If Trump wins you’ll never see a progressive president without a bloody revolution, which probably would be decades away at best, and would be more likely to fail then succeed. If Biden wins, AOC is probably president in 2028 or 2032.

In many states, it must be received by 8pm on Election Day to count, not just postmarked.

Note that she’s plenty willing to be a legit killer, just not ever to advance anything that matters. If she can’t even be counted on to back those loyal to her, what use is she to house Democrats? Get her the fuck out of the speakers chair.


I hate her so much.

Remember this?

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The establishment is waging an all out war on progressives within the party at a time they truly need their support.


I guess blacklisting primary challengers only applies when the challenge is from the left.

This seems personal. She worked with Markey for years. He obviously fucked her over in some way. Why assume that reflects poorly on Pelosi? Maybe take the endorsement as evidence that Markey is worse than he seems.

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Shut the fuck up.


I wish i had your confidence in my understanding of events.

edit: then again, the thing you’re most well known for is incorrect predictions.

If it’s personal it’s probably because he’s palling around with AOC.

More likely it is what big party donors want.


Are you fucking kidding me


This is also absolutely delusional, and real chef’s kiss stuff in the middle of the posts about Pelosi trying to oust Markey. If Biden wins, we get a minimum of 3 more election cycles where the narrative is how Biden won because he brought the party back to the center and had a bunch of Republican support. It is way more likely AOC is primaried and never holds elected office again by 2032 than that she is president by 2032.


She literally dislikes someone she’s worked closely with enough to endorse his opponent. Maybe she’s just evil, maybe she’s a Catholic in the thrall of the Kennedys, or maybe he fucked her over so bad that she went waaay out of her way to fuck him back. Pelosi has always believed in revenge.

Or maybe she’s a politician who either prefers his policies or thinks he’s good for party fundraising (oh no, that’s a conspiracy theory!). Maybe she’s not a child who is angry about something personal.


Or maybe she is a centrist who doesn’t want progressives in office, which is the only one of those options with ample evidence to support it.


This isn’t implausible, but this just looks to me like something personal, but maybe it’s just a policy disagreement.

Pelosi usually isn’t stupid. Electing some new retread Kennedy isn’t going to change the direction of the party or harm AOC in any way.

She doesn’t like progressives. She doesn’t want Medicare for All or a Green New Deal. She doesn’t want to yield her power to the progressive wing.

This. She’s probably safe in her 80% non-white district and can stay there like Barbara Lee (the only person in congress voting against the war without end bill) has in Oakland. She can help other people in similar districts for sure, but she’s peaked as far as electoral office goes.

I have faith in AOC’s talent and ability to win an election once she can get her message out in a primary. I don’t expect any support from the establishment until she’s the nominee. I expect them to fight her every step of the way, and many will be NeverAOC types.

But she’ll win.

Pelosi bans political advisors that work for primary challengers in the House. She endorsed a literal Koch Brothers backed D over the progressive challenger because she supposedly believed in this “principle” so much.


She is a fraud and a disgrace that wants only incremental progress and robs the American people by pretending that greater progress is impossible when the truth is she is one of the roadblocks.