The coverage is worse if Biden gets nothing done in his first hundred days+.

They should blow it up in Week 1. A story about changing Senate procedure, especially a change so intuitive it’s probably assumed to be the status quo by most of the public, will fail to cause outrage beyond the usual rightwing circles.

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Yes this is one obvious answer


$15 minimum wage

No offense, but it seems like you don’t know what Coons is talking about. He’s saying IF Democrats win the Senate, then he will support leaving an absurd rule called the filibuster in place. This rule allows McConnell as leader of the minority to block legislation.

Fuck the media. Pretty much everyone hates them and for good reason. The only actual bipartisan issue of our time is that corporate media sucks completely. Although the issue is that the 5% of the country that actually approves of the current media landscape will hold 95% of the positions in a biden administration.

Not if you classify Fox News and AM radio as corporate media.

I should have been more clear and said to meet the cloture threshold.

I order a lot of stuff off ebay and use the PO a lot. The PO has been legit fucked the last few months. For whatever reason, stuff is taking forever to get there. It was noticeable long before this big blowup.

Regardless of the election, Trump is legit trying to destroy the post office. Which would be terrible for this country.


Cynical bernie bro take trigger warning

I worry it’ll be

  1. Give cocaine mitch 6 months to start “being reasonable” gotta make a good faith effort you know.
  2. Weirdly Mitch is being intransigent but we can’t do anything too controversial we have to think about the mid terms.
  3. We just lost a bunch of seats in the mid terms now’s not the time to rock the boat.
  4. 2024 is the most important election of our lives. Look at the freaks running for the republicans. You want us to push for X now at such a critical time?
  5. Vote blue no matter who or nothing good will get done.

Tough to see how it could be any other way

Ok but like, people’s mail is delayed over a week in some places right now. I’m getting mail a few days a week instead of every day right now.

This is like asking a nurse or doctor to comment on long term trends for COVID, or a teacher to comment on whether schools should open. They have direct experience with it, but not the type of experience that gives them any unique qualifications to comment on the larger issue. I’m sure that 95% of mail carriers are doing just fine right now, but the stories about mail being fucked aren’t just made up.

  1. 2028 Richard Spencer runs for reelection while Pence runs as a Dem with a campaign of, “Remember the Trump days? Let’s return to those. Build Wall Back Better!” Pence beats AOC to become the nominee because he’s the safer choice against Spencer.

If you don’t vote for Pence you are literally supporting an out and proud nazi. What kind of a person would do something like that?


no rating on 538 for this poll but still, this shit is not tightening.


D internal poll.



And JohnnyTruant was right. It’s not that postmarked mail was never going to get delivered. Cause delays. Draw out the counting. Cast doubt. Try to get an edge in every challenge in close states. Try to make the case that it’s time to stop counting ballots as early as possible. Expect/hope that the propaganda and the fact that Trumpkins don’t believe in covid to skew the voting so Trump is more likely to win the in person voting.

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That’s fucking disgraceful. Markey has been a loyal soldier and good legislator. Fuck her so hard.


Not my type. No kink-shaming if she is yours.