He’s just going to respond with his schtick about how the world is getting better overall and that the gop will be shut out demographically soon. That, yea it looks like we’re taking a stumble now, but we’re going to stay on the path to a better life.

Maybe he’s right, but it’s not exactly guaranteed. A metric fuckton of Cold War propaganda keeps most of us from imagining the decline in production/life expectancy that happened just thirty years ago could happen here, but that’s just propaganda.

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I think it’s just a variant of the, “fascists are bad but socialists will destroy the economy,” take that most libs know they have to keep to themselves.


No, its simply “being mean to me online is the worst sin, worse than actually being a bad person.”


While I remain concerned about Trump’s efforts to rig the election (or to provide cover for his “brand” when he loses), this article suggests that the USPS should have plenty of capacity to handle vote by mail. Still, it’s obviously bad news if he “wins”, say, Pennsylvania on election day and then loses a week later when all votes have been counted.


"While the USPS’s long-standing plan to decommission hundreds of mail-sorting machines around the country is worrying for a number of reasons, it’s unlikely to have an impact on the election because the USPS is dealing with so much less mail right now than a typical year. Through June of this year, marketing mail and first class mail is down 15.3 percent and four percent, respectively, versus the same period last year. Some of that mail volume will surely return, but it’s far from clear when or to what degree that will happen. And even though package volumes have soared, they are processed through different machines and workflows.

Plus, the USPS collects, sorts, and delivers so much mail every single day, even a massive influx of ballots is unlikely to significantly disrupt the system as long as it’s spread out over more than just a few days."

“Last year, the USPS processed and delivered 472.1 million mailpieces each day on average. Meanwhile, about 139 million ballots were cast in the 2016 presidential election. Assuming a similar turnout this election season, and if we make the additional but extreme assumption that every single ballot will be cast by mail this November, that would result in 278 million more mailpieces for USPS to process (each ballot makes two trips through the post office, one to voters and one back to local election officials). If those ballots go out and back over a three week period (18 days of mail operations, since Sunday is packages only), that amounts to 15.4 million ballots processed per day on average, or a little more than three percent of the USPS’s daily mail volume last year. And, again, that is the high end estimate assuming every single ballot will be mailed in.”


Yeah after initially being pretty worried about the post office stuff, a lot of what I’ve read lately has relaxed me about it. It seems like the decommissioning of equipment has been going on for a while and that there isn’t going to be a problem with ability to handle the mail load.

That said, I’m in favour of continuing to push the line that the Republicans are trying to destroy the postal service, because this is true even if the motivation is not to steal the election. This is a golden opportunity where there is an easily explainable theory of wrongdoing (they’re trying to destroy the postal service) with easily presentable evidence (here’s an article about all the machines they’re destroying) and easily identifiable villains (here’s Trump explaining that he doesn’t want mail in ballots to be a thing, here’s the fat Skinner-from-the-X-Files looking motherfucker he put in to do this). The refutation is complicated and involves both math and subjective issues of motivation. For once, finally, we are not on the pointy end of one of these conspiracy theories. Unleash the Facebook morons imo.


Yeah if things actually pause I think we’re in a good position. But I don’t trust a fucking word out of DeJoys mouth or Republicans or Trump. Only way DeJoy actually stops is if his lawyers are telling him he could possibly face post Trump consequences if he keeps it up. But if not, then this will continue to get progressively worse regardless of what he says.

So yeah I want the dems to keep the pressure up, threaten him publicly or privately that if he continues they will go after him. Tell him in private they will audit all his business dealings, his entire life, his taxes, everyone in his family. And publicly hammer the PR like you said.

I don’t expect too many FB morons to come over to our side though, who cares about mail when you’re one of the chosen ones sent to uncover millions of children being kidnapped because of masks to be funneled into child sex trafficking. That isn’t going away, Netflix just released a new documentary about 11 year old girls in revealing outfits being on dance teams twerking which is going to cause a MAJOR shitstorm, and honestly it is pretty gross. No idea what netflix was thinking with that one right now. I think the documentary is about how its exploiting the children or inappropriate, but that won’t matter when you show young girls in skimpy outfits inappropriately dancing.

Should be targeting the small business owners who heavily rely on USPS, and vets who rely on it for their medicine etc.

But Trump is ramping up the Qanon love, saying they love our country, he’s got those votes locked up.

I don’t know, they might be persuadable. Maybe the NYT should send an army of reporters all over America to interview them and print their assertions without commentary. And frame the articles as sympathy pieces about how their economic anxiety drove them to Q.


This will be a thing by 2024.

If Biden does win and they don’t go HAM on Maxwell and everyone else involved… Trump gets a pass because ldo, but if similar shit goes down under Biden it’s gonna get crazy. And it’s possible because obviously Clinton was caught up in the mix and god knows who else. Imagine Epstein dying under president Clinton. Instead of BLM protests we’d have massive, massive Qanon protests burning down pizza joints.

By similar shit I mean rich connected obviously guilty people getting out of it without justice being served.

That’s already misleading. The average will include high volume days like the weeks leading up to chrismas where additional staff is hired and postal workers will get lots of overtime. None of that will happen around election time. Quite the opposite, DeJoy has already cut overtime AFAIK.

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Ok so we’re going to waste the first six months of the Biden Administration, apparently


Only hope is for Biden to appoint the anti-filibuster idiots like Coons, DiFi, and King that have safe seats to lesser cabinet positions and get some good subs in there. So yeah, we’re fucked.

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The most ridiculous thing is that he is implying that he expects McConnell to NOT do that. So he is either: 1) a huge moron, or 2) a liar.


“I’m going to give this guy one more chance not to shoot me in the head. I mean, he’s already shot me in the head five times before, but maybe he won’t this time!”


I suspect they think there is some kind of optical and/or political advantage to making Mitch block everything before they nuke the cherished norm of the filibuster. Typical West Wing bullshit, Sorkin ruined America.

The solution is to do everything humanly possible right now to help them win the senate.

Unfortunately, they’re probably correct.

Can you imagine the media coverage if they blow up the filibuster on week 1?

They need to take some lessons from Mitch. Is there anything stopping us from doing it? If no then fucking do it. After all these years it’s time to realize that in the world we live in might makes right.


You’re going on ignore. We get it, everyone sucks and the only worthwhile activity is owning the shitlibs. Here in the real world, I’ll keep trying to do my small part to facilitate incremental improvement. Sure seems better than being a nihilistic dick on the internet.


probably could nuke it for HR1?