Joe going to GA to me screams that they are running up the score. No worries about losing. Let’s make this a bloodbath.


Hmm, feels like I’ve heard this one before…


A+ Biden meme.

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Georgia has 16 electoral votes and is actually in play this year.

And it’s not linked to the Midwestern states which means he could turn GA even if he doesn’t win MI (also 16 votes)

Seems worth a trip. Getting people out and voting is what’s needed to turn GA blue. Him thinking it’s important enough to visit in the final few weeks could get some people to make the effort to vote who otherwise wouldn’t have.

And if GA turns blue this time, then that helps for future elections, as many just don’t vote here bc they figure GA is red so it won’t matter. So polls showing him up helps turnout and actually winning it will pay dividends for decades to come.

People are too critical here. He’s making a quick stop in a swing state, not spending a week in California.


This seems important, and very good as a defense against “stop the count” riggage.


Hopefully the not returnees are cuz the republicans won’t ever return them

That’s an urban legend. 2016 is a myth! Never happened!


“Mail is the only way to vote in Colorado” says Nate’s second tweet but that’s not true according to Colorado.

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at this point in polling MI is the biggest gap with polls, either biden is up 6+ vs the red polls that have trump leading. So if Biden loses MI, he loses the election.

My point isn’t about MI specifically.

I’m saying GA isn’t as correlated as many other swing states are and he has a real chance of winning and that is worth a stop.

Heck, Abrams only lost by 40k votes to the guy literally running his own election as SOS and there was less early voting and more voter suppression.

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Trump campaigns in four important states (FL, OH, NC and WI) in a single day and Biden decides to contest unneeded long shot GA. I am getting flashbacks to 2016 already.


Florida’s Governor is Ron DeSantis. Georgia’s Governor is Brian Kemp. I’d like to think I’m a pretty rational person but there’s just no fucking way Biden wins either state. And don’t say “GA has senate races,” they’re going to runoffs.

I don’t think where Biden goes matters, like at all, but like all of you I’m mega paranoid and looking for reasons to rage, so here I am.

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I feel like it just gets them into the local news a bit more. If I were Biden I’d be looking to basically do events in 3-4 states a day and alternate:

Western PA/WI/MI/MN
Eastern PA/NC/GA/FL

Always hit PA and 2-3 of the others.

This ignores Arizona, but I’d have surrogates hit it. I can’t imagine one event in AZ is worth 2 other states, given the flight time.

smrk’s plan for surrogates is good.

Right. GA/NC are correlated. PA/MI/WI are correlated. WI/MN/IA I think are probably correlated. AZ/TX somewhat.

I don’t know how correlated FL is. It’s sort of half correlated to GA half to TX imo. Not nearly as many black people as GA, lots of Hispanics but politically the Cuban population in FL is very different from other Hispanic voters.

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Yeah I mean we’re not winning close races in GA and FL. If we win a close race in either we really won by like 4-5% imo.

It’s spelled MAGA.

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This is so disingenuous

Biden did 2 stops in different parts of PA today and will be in NC tomorrow. He’s doing one stop in GA on Tuesday.

Trump is gonna to go Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Arizona and a bunch of other places as well.

And he may need those 16 votes from Georgia. If everybody votes in Georgia and those who want to are able, then he will win. So getting out here during early voting to get people voting early before Election Day shenanigans is a good thing and could be the difference maker in a state that may be decided by <40,000 votes.

Remember Trump beat Hillary bc he won a few states by 30k or so votes


I have to say this discussion about where Biden should go campaigning is highly amusing to me; reminds me of sports talk! :smiley:

BTW are there parlays for senate races available?

Point taken but

Georgia wasn’t one of them. Clinton lost by 5%/200k votes. Winning there will take a blue wave and those tend to be nationwide. Winning GA while losing MI is an unlikely scenario.

Abrams only lost by 50k. It’s a swing state or else he’s in bad shape.