It should be counted under mail-in.

Lol their fancy multi-million dollar hawkfish program and data tracking got them basically the exact same conclusion that my post earlier in this thread had based upon the publicly available figures.

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Based on those early voting numbers that’s already going to happen. You just need to vote. If he’s going to be able to shut down the count the fact that you voted on Election Day versus early isn’t going to matter.

That’s true but I think the closer the numbers are on Election Day the tougher it is for him to get away with it and I want to do my part.

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Sounds like the move would to be at all the polls all day socially distanced, maybe in the car, and to confront these assholes when they try to intimidate voters. Though I understand if thats not you think. Like no a physical confrontation but just someone to have the back of potential voters and push back on their antics.

I’m considering it if they come after my area. There are a lot of minorities in my area, I need to check the law but I was thinking of basically offering to escort them to the door or something. But door knocking may be higher EV.

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It’d seem resources would be better spent in FL.


Dude, just go to PA every day. Maybe mix in NC.


This is a mistake. He should be nowhere but the Midwest right now.

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Or if he wants to go somewhere like GA just go to FL.

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Maybe they have some internals or whatever that say GA is close and they think it’s important for the Senate. But you could send Obama there or something.




GA not a win-more state any more imo so go nuts

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  1. Only a few people are attending biden events.
  2. GA is worth a trip with 2 senate seats on the line.

I know 1 and 2 kinda counter themselves but I don’t mind it. Way better than Ohio.

Yes he should be in Milwaukee…

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Yep, I fully support the trip to GA for exactly this reason. The marginal utility of visiting a plausible state that hasn’t gotten much attention is much better than that much more attention on an already saturated Pennsylvania.


Ignoring an important swing state like Hillary did is bad, but does being there constantly really do much? Feels like it’d be a turn off for a lot of voters.

I’d send Michelle to NC/GA if she’s up for it. Pete to Iowa. Somebody to AZ, maybe Harris? Biden should be almost exclusively in the former Clinton firewalls.


well for Joe the only value is to pop it in the local TV news cycle.

in this election it can’t matter at all. People have either made up their minds or they’re still wondering whether they can excuse everything about trump for that sweet sweet tax cut.

I have to say in the past month I have seen several (what I assume must be national) Biden commercials. I have never seen a Trump Commercial. I am in NY.