I find it hard to believe there are many Trumpers who were not activated in 2016 but are voting now. And whatever that number might be it is likely wiped out many times over by defectors or people staying home.

It is not nearly as cool to go out and vote for Trump as a lark in 2020.

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Seriously, this sounds like a really small percentage of the electorate.

10/23 IBD Tracking Poll

As the headline notes, “Trump vs. Biden poll finds President Donald Trump inching closer to former Vice President Joe Biden”. That’s true: Overall, Biden drops from +4.9% yesterday to +4.6% today.

But this hides some better news, if the Midwest represents the most important set of states. Here, Biden is at a whopping +14.1%, up from +12.0% yesterday, and an enormous shift from -6.2% just 4 days ago.

Biden is now also +0.2% among 45-64 year olds, whereas he was -15.4% just 3 days ago.

Also, this tracking poll is complete garbage.


There was a tweet earlier this week or maybe late last week maybe that’s the source

It would seem more likely that there are some never Trumpers that are so scared of SoCiAliSm that they will pull the lever for trump. But that is probably a super small percentage too.

I love that the subheadline is

‘We’re supposed to live in a free country,’ said Fresh Food Supermarket owner Jose Colon

These Trumpstains are just so clueless about everything.

Due to moving counties I have had a ridiculous time getting my registration moved. I have been denied multiple times for absurd reasons.

The good news in Texas is worst case scenario as long as you are registered in some county, you can vote in your new county using a “limited ballot”. Problem is many people do not know about this and you can ONLY do this in early voting, not on actual Election Day.

Texas definitely doesn’t like for people to be able to vote. The only counter to that is early voting has been around in Texas for a long time. I don’t even remember the last time I voted on Election Day. It is a weird dichotomy.

Also I don’t know how it is in other states but in Texas you can vote anywhere in your county during early voting, but on Election Day you can only vote in your precinct. And there are regularly shenanigans with the locations of these precinct polling places.


Re: Texas, didn’t someone post the county Austin is in has 100% voter registration. Austin has to be a hard blue area right?


It was like 96%

For those of you feeling good about PA…


This is meh. About 75% of Dems and 25% of Reps planned to vote by mail in a lot of surveys. As a result, 78-22 is around what we should expect to see.

Austin is not only deep blue, it’s more progressive than like California statewide. Like DiFi could not win a primary in Austin, Bernie and AOC would crush there.

In other words, Austin is the shit.


Can confirm even the suburbs are pretty blue. Most pickup trucks with blm bumper stickers both total and per capita in the country probably.

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GIven that the polls have BIden +6 in PA, anything we see that confirms the polls are correct, (and are maybe even a few points better than the polls) is a great thing IMO.


Skimming through AM radio this week every single host is talking about how there are tons of shy Trump voters and about the Silent Majority.

I think that means they know they are fucked and need to make something up for why Biden +10 for months on end isn’t meaningful.

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I’d believe that.

I guess my problem with your post was that you seem to be equating “98 percent” and “stone cold lock”.

Fair enough.

He sounds like an asshole.


For the shy voter theory to actually affect the outcome, it would not be enough for Trump supporters to be telling pollsters they’re undecided. They would have to actually be saying they support Biden. Biden is already over 50% in states adding to 270+, so winning all the undecided voters in the country doesn’t put Trump over the top.


Yea this is what I was trying to say last night, fuck the undecided