Most undecides know who they are voting for but like the idea of appearing to be thoughtful and really thinking about their vote.

If it’s complete garbage then it should just be ignored. That’s what I tell my clients when they have obviously corrupt or biased data.


In 2016 Montana went 56% Trump, 36% Clinton, so that augurs well for Biden

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Yeah that area of the country is getting clobbered as hard as anyone in the country ever has with COVID right now. Also there’s something different about the Mountain west republicans. They’re definitely not Dixiecrats. The Mormons in particular are their own thing. Plus those are farm economies. The trade war was never popular there and the subsidies mostly ended up in the pockets of the top 5 players in any given market. The little (still very politically connected actually) guys got crushed. Let’s be real everyone in Montana is politically connected lol. They have 2 Senators for the population of my county. Wyoming has 2x that right?


The partisan skews of those polls are slight, but they are:



I was just listening to “Florida Roundup” on NPR during lunch, which is a call-in show kinda like the one on C-Span but with a round table of media types. A sampling:

-a 55-year-old Caucasian male from Sanford, ex-felon who had to “jump through hoops” to get his rights restored, hasn’t voted since Reagan was president; definitely believes minority felons are being targeted with the new law requiring felons pay fines before getting voting rights restored; is voting Trump; thinks “everything the guy has said has been picked apart by the media;” “racism isn’t his fault;” “He’s the same guy, the same narcissist he’s always been” (apparently this is either nbd or a point in his favor :man_shrugging:)

-a Hispanic woman with a thick accent from I’m not sure where who is planning to vote Trump because “Biden chose Kamala as his running mate because she is black and a woman” (???)

-a Cuban immigrant male who came here in 1968 and became a citizen in 1977, lifelong Republican, thinks the GOP has done a fantastic job branding the Dems as “socialists” to the Cuban and Venezuelan communities which is why they tend to vote GOP, but sees a lot of Castro in Trump and plans to vote Biden

-a Caucasian male conservative “writer” who cannot understand what the actual fk these Hispanics who called in earlier were talking about when they were calling Biden “socialist,” because “other than Obamacare which is a Heritage Foundation creation he’s one of the most moderate Democrats ever in the Senate.” Also doesn’t see how anyone who calls themselves conservative could ever vote for Trump, has already early voted Biden

-elections expert guy predicts nothing will be known until the wee hours of the morning because it’s gonna be razor thin in FL and nobody knows shit

TL;DR buckle up, Florida is gonna be one helluva wild ride



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Please god that doesnt exist please let biden win Florida on election night so I dont have a week long or life long meltdown.


You’d be surprised. If Trump wins my life will probably get less complicated. It’ll be pretty obvious what the next step is. Schrödinger’s Emigration is not a fun place to be.

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Isn’t Florida always a wild ride? I still have flashbacks of following the 2000 election.

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It will hinge on how soon they can get south Florida counted, and it’s notoriously slow. West of Tallahassee roughly is Central time so their polls close an hour later but that’s all GOP country so we know how that area will break.



I wouldn’t worry too much about Biden if that’s your theory of politics. The reason the man has made so many gaffes in his life and is probably about to be elected president is that he is an insanely likable person. Insanely. I didn’t get it before but he’s actually more likable than Bill Clinton. Don’t @ me he’s not as smart, anywhere near as good of a speaker, or as polished as Bill… but he’s a genuinely likable person and it’s an entirely positive emotion that comes from an entirely good place… unlike with Bill where it’s at least partly just having a huge compulsive need to be liked paired with a lot of talent and practice.

You see something bad about Biden and it just slides off like teflon. He half assed the primaries and I said some of the nastiest stuff said here about him. But holy shit I do like him now. It’s at least partly that he’s winning in ways I hadn’t weighted correctly (I’m a pretty repressed person emotionally so Biden types probably work way less well on me than people more in the normal range), but it’s also just that to really watch him at any length is to be absolutely bombarded by his decency from the first instant you watch to the last.

EDIT: Goddamn is that sappy. I’m genuinely embarrassed for myself. This is what Biden does. I don’t even actually like the guy. He did the bankruptcy bill. The crime bill I kind of understand because it was broadly supported at the time and most everyone thought it was a good idea, but the bankruptcy bill I’ve never been able to make sit right. I have a hard time convincing myself he didn’t know exactly what he was doing there. It’s like Pete and healthcare for me. I’m never giving Pete the benefit of the doubt for not knowing better.

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Old white guys who did time in prison being for Trump is the least surprising possible thing about the felons getting their voting rights back story. White supremacy runs strong through the prison system.




That seems huge actually.

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Maybe not after the both sides SoCal Rogan comedy community get done with it.


lol the same court that ruled it was vitally important that the secrecy sleeve be included in order for the goddamned vote to count
