Dahlia Lithwick had a few on her podcast recently, including herself. It’s called Amicus.

I know a bunch of people who are in favor of packing the courts. They’re called “Republicans”


She seems cool and all, but looking at her wiki I don’t think I would call her a constitutional scholar that would be considered for this type of panel.

These are not my rules and I think they are dumb, just being honest with what I think they will be looking for.

The 80% isn’t court packers (that’s at best 40%). The 80% is just con law profs that think “originalism” is bunk annd the SCt is a right wing institution. I doubt 15 con law profs could agree on anything as efficiently as 15 politicians. However, 15 con law profs would almost certainly include 2-4 who are to the left of this forum.

It depends on whether the conservatives are able to make the calculation that if they overturn Obamacare and/or Roe, Democrats will get the public support to pack the Supreme Court and conservatives will lose on everything eventually, but if someone switches, conservatives can punt on health care and abortion and win on everything else.


My prior post notwithstanding, liberals absolutely MUST leverage political power against their opponents in ways they never have before. And the only way to really get them to do that is to primary fucking assholes like Diane Feinstein.


10/22 IBD Tracking poll. Some major movement, just like every single day with this stupid volatile poll:

In just 24 hours Biden has:

  • almost doubled his lead from +2.5% to +4.9%
  • Increased his lead in the midwest from +7.1% to +12.0%. Only 3 days ago, he was -6.2%!
  • Cut Trump’s lead among 45-64 year olds from 10.4% to 1.9%
  • Cut Trump’s lead among males from 8.3% to 5.6%
  • Increased his lead among females from 12.1% to 13.9%

Very impressive 24 hours!


Or Biden if he doesn’t push an agenda.

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It seems pretty likely that they got a really wonky sample a few days ago that threw it off pretty bad and it’s starting to mix out now.

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We would like Biden to move to the left of the Democratic establishment on at least some issues. I accept that coalition building involves making deals. I’d just rather have a clear victory on some issues and a clear loss on other issues instead of an in-between compromise that pleases no one on every issue.

If Preet has an episode on court packing, I might have to hate-listen to it.

Preet is a lifelong government prosecutor, much more conservative than the avg law prof. Consider Lawrence Tribe.

Yes, important to note that each day’s polling results are based on a 5-day window. So the result from today (10/22) represents outcomes from 10/17-10/21. That means, as you suggest, that a single day’s wonky result should influence 5-days worth of reported daily results.

Looking at the daily data from 10/16-10/22, my guess is that 10/18 was the day with crazy results (based on the big outlier reported for the Midwest on 10/19). If it turns out that 10/18 isn’t representative of anything, then tomorrow’s daily result should be the last one affected by that slice of results.

Tribe is the perfect example of a “liberal” con law prof.


This is exactly my problem with letting the panel consist of people like him.

There were like 3 posts in a row. Jordan, Riverman, and Monster all said something to the effect of “of course he’s got to say this, that doesn’t mean he intends to do it”.

I’m shocked that I responded to that and immediately got hit with a “oh, so Trump would be better, huh?” and a “most progressive platform in history”. Just shocked.


Saying stuff that the average person views as anything but “moderate” is bad for Biden’s electability. If Biden goes out there and says WE’RE GONNA PACK THE COURT WITH SOCIALISTS, FOLKS he’d see like a 5 point dip on 538 lol

Biden will suck as President and disappoint everyone on this site. Still >>> Trump

I bet you even hug your kids sometimes like some kind of freak!

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Fair point. I think the commission will make liberal recommendations, but nothing workable without the sort of political will contradicted by the appointment of a commission.

That said, I’m fine with the approach at least until Biden is sworn in.

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Was telling the wife I look forward to pivoting from complaining about trump everyday to complaining about biden everyday.


I’m not saying that. I’m saying Biden has been saying what is best for his electability without any intimation whatsoever of what he’ll actually do. He will probably suck ass and make us all hate him within 6 months

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