And that gets people to vote in their favor how? I don’t even see how it suppresses Biden votes.

You go to war with the army you have.

He is already moving left on virtually every issue. You just don’t think it’s far enough. That’s a big difference.

I’d love to hear your solution to how we pack the courts with Trump in office for the next four years.


Ahhh but have you considered that actually he’s just saying those things to calm voters on the left?

See, we can all make his words mean anything we want to!

The difference is he has a 40 year record of being a centrist, lightly racist, corporate friendly stooge, so I tend to believe that he’ll continue to govern in that way.


? What the fuck are you even talking about.

I voted for Biden, I urge everyone here to vote for Biden. I’m just asking if we can do that without making up fairy tales about how he’s going to govern in a progressive way.

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This would be a gotcha if I was arguing he was lying about the bipartisan committee. I think he is very likely do do exactly what he is saying.

He is not going to be a flame thrower. Anyone who is dreaming of this scenario is delusional.

Ok so why did you respond to my post that was talking about people saying he was lying about the bipartisan committee? Like, it sounds like we agree.

It seems like each party gets a 2 year window every 12 to 16 years to actually enact their agenda. The GOP sort of does this with their rich people tax cuts (GWB in 01, Trump in 17). The rest of their “agenda” like going after popular programs like Medicare/SS is suicide and they know. Even repealing the ACA is unpopular and they know it, it’s why they like to make the courts do their dirty work. They can get the rest of what they want by just grinding govt to a halt using bullshit like the filibuster or using the gerrymandered senate to stall a dem POTUS basic admin work like appointing circuit court judges.

The dems piss away this opportunity by spending the whole time on some bipartisan compromise half-assed health care bill that the republicans will spend their lives shitting on and trying to destroy it anyways.

I know this will ever happen but I wish the dems in the senate/house would just realize their once in a generation opportunity and just ram through every piece of popular progressive legislation and say “fuck you lol” to every GOP attempt to get involved like they do with us. Just concede that you will likely lose the house, senate, and POTUS shortly after doing this, but just fuckin do it anyways. Sorry you may have to go make a fortune doing whatever the fuck former congressmen do. I think they’ll be fine.


This. Trump gone is #1. I’m not going to fret about perfection. Just need to kneel and run out the clock right now. And even if the Supreme Court remains status quo, I’m not going to worry about it, honestly. Just get Trump and hopefully a bunch of Senators the fuck out and go from there.

I’m probably the only one but I don’t really give a shit what Biden does as long as we get rid of Trump.



? Who is saying this? I might have missed a few posts, but most people here seem to think he’s a bog-standard centrist Dem who’s tossing out this “bipartisan commission” to avoid having to take any kind of a stand.

Absent a massive grassroots campaign to pack the courts, Biden’s not really going to push for court packing.

I would have guessed that there are some progressive constitutional scholars somewhere. But I literally know nothing about constitutional scholarship as a discipline.

They could minimize the damage by doing things like adding a state or two and passing HR 1.

Liberals have already succeeded in pushing the entire party generally, and Biden specifically, to the left. He is far to the left of Barack Obama on basically everything. This is the lasting achievement of the Sanders movement that is mostly lost in the constant insanity that is Trump’s America.


Probably 80% progressives.

I’m responding to your claim he can’t be pushed left when all evidence is he has been and will be in office.

The issue is what you consider progressive.

He is going to govern from the left. There is zero doubt about that. He has been moved a bit further left on many of positions during the primary and based on his advisers.

He was never going to govern from the far left. Nobody ever claimed he would be, including him.

The pressure after the election isn’t to magically get him to support banning cops or enacting a 90% tax on the rich. Those things are never ever going to happen. It’s to get him to support a higher minimum wage, police reform, strengthen healthcare, open immigration, address systemic racism, among many others.

Congress needs to treat Biden like the GOP congress treats Trump. Kiss his ass publicly, but just work on the things you want regardless of what Biden says or wants. He may say he doesn’t want to pack the courts, but make him veto it. Put the bill on his desk.

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Find me three actual constitutional scholars (ie law profs) who back packing the court and I’ll take it all back.