AOC killing my mobile twitch. 450k viewers.

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Reporting in from NC. There have been a lot of Super PAC ads during football with the Cunningham side piece stuff. Plenty of negative Tillis ads too about taking money from lobbyists and whatnot but they’re probably not as effective.

I know we can’t read too much into this but:

  1. Florida is up to 1/3 of it’s total 2016 Election Day vote.
  2. So far, Democrats have a 500,000 vote advantage over Republicans in returned absentees + early voting, 1.45 million to 950k. There are an additional 583,000 no party affiliation voters. I think the expectation is that this latter group breaks pretty hard for Biden too based on polling.

There are still 13 days left to go. This seems pretty good for democrats?



Yes I am in the 1% minority of Polish descendents in the suburb that aren’t Jews.

Meh, I’m in the camp that we just can’t know if it’s shifting votes from Election Day. So, yeah it’s good but who knows if it’s meaningful.

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8% undecided for president but only 4% undecided for senate? :man_shrugging:t3:

Is this new? Not helping the calm.


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PA closer than Florida, NC, and Arizona? Meh?


It’s the opposite, cities are hard blue, blumpkin towns hard red

Ernst is as bad as anyone I’ve ever seen at pretending to be a human


wtf is wrong with Pennsylvania anyhow? At least move them to the south where they belong.

if we get control of both houses and the presidency the first order of action should be to abolish Pennsylvania.


Yeah it’’s still early, but there are 13 days left. If it starts pushing up to like 60 percent or more of 2016 totals and the deficit gets huge we will start to see republicans having a hard time overcoming it even with a huge e-day turnout.

Man, Fuck Pennsylvania. I’m starting to think Biden could win this and take states like Florida and North Carolina and Arizona and still somehow lose fucking Pennsylvania.


Dems have to take either PA or FL or they’re in an extremely difficult spot. There aren’t a lot of realistic paths to victory if they lost both of them. .


North Carolina at 38 percent of 2016 vote totals. Democrats have a 350k vote advantage on Republicans, 834k to 486k. There are also 526k no party affiliation which also outnumber the republicans. I get that this is too early too… but 38 percent is a lot with 13 days left to go. I’m feeling a lot better about states like FL and NC right now then I am about PA tbh.

There’s a lot of orthodox jews in Broward County, FL. Especially the Coral Springs area.

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I think the insane amount of early voting is a kind of freeroll, it is either good or neutral. It also provides some amount of riggage protection.


I understand being worried about Florida or Pennsylvania, but let’s cool it on Minn

Try some Zuckerberg and get back to us.

Lol. If it is an accident he should be fired. There is no circumstance where he should not be fired.

  1. it is a huge liability for the business
  2. it exhibits a horrible lapse of judgement that probably needs at least extensive therapy.

In have employed a large number of people over the years. That is a clear instant fire. It doesn’t even require a second thought. It being an accident would mean absolutely nothing.

“Oops sorry I jerked it in front of the whole office, my bad!”