

I always assume the worst outcome will happen in every scenario, but I’m certain Ernst is going to lose.

But what if all the Trump Jewish voters are concentrated in Florida ?! :worried:

New Ipsos poll of NC. Biden trending in the right direction

Ipsos NC

But Tillis pulling even with Cunningham :frowning:

I get this outlook, I really do. My view is that if MN is lost, then light the whole thing on fire anyway, because we’re done. So I don’t worry about MN.

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538 has 3 of 4 Iowa Seats as fairly solid Dem wins. Is it just that all the bumpkins are concentrated in one district to give Repubs the edge at virtually every state level?

Playing Among Us on Twitch with Ilhan Omar and 8 streamers


Orthodox Jews are about as Trumpy as it gets:

Yeah, but that’s like Brooklyn only.

I live in CA and know a lot of jews. The only orthodox jew I’ve seen up close was in my one trip to NY.

I live in a majority Jewish area in Australia, and many are Orthodox. We get unofficial mailers during election time suggesting the Centre-Left party supports the end of Israel. The debate among candidates for the recent election had the centre-right candidate describe herself as ‘the most Jewish of all the candidates’ and criticise the centre-left candidate as a poor politician due to not hanging a Menorah (?) on their door.

Lol she’ss playing with disguisedtoast?


Who is that dude?

Yeah and a bunch of other high profile Among Us players

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Perhaps I gave the false impression that my certainty is based on knowledge, research and insight. It is based firmly on watching the clips of the debate and thinking ‘that woman is going to lose mang’ while hi-fiving myself.


TBF fundamentalists of every religion are Trumpy.

You know Chuck Schumer is already scared.

The word you’re looking for is mezuzah.


Mezuzah. Lol

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Thought I saw a poll here about Jewish voters within the last week or so. Maybe it was elsewhere, but yeah, it’s like 75% Biden support. My family experience is more like 90/10. Pretty certain every immediate family member, and all first aunt/uncles/cousins are voting Biden, but I’ve heard about some second-cousin types that are Trumpy (e.g., one guy who apparently lives like an hour north of NYC and posts on FB how he’s never returning to the city because it’s being burned down by anarchists and all that jazz).

No idea if this is a scientific poll:


“They’re cool with him employing Nazis because he moved the embassy”?

This is a good illustration as to why its offensive to use the word “nazi” as a synonym for right winger or “deplorable”. There are many good arguments for Jews to vote against Trump. But you picked a despicable one apparently not realizing how invalid it was.