OK. So why is there this thing where everyone is panicking that Trump is going to have this lead election day? Just based on exit polls? Surely these take into account mail in votes and how they polled too.

it means a lot of people are taking part in the voting process, which is good. Team R is also super energized though that’s for sure.

I think it is better news for TX overall for dems chances but too early to say elsewhere.

Nate mentioned on his podcast that Rasmussen does this weird thing where 9/10 of their polls are clearly outliers favoring the R, yet 1/10 end up being more normal if not slightly left leaning. He’s not sure why this happens uniquely to them (vs. Trafalgar which is just clearly shifted R) but he said you do have to be careful applying a blanket R bias to rasmussen because not all their polls are bad. They are sort of bi-modal in nature.

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This can only mean that the Republican outreach is going well, and Biden is winning so comfortably that I can feel fine about my Green Party vote :upside_down_face:

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Except she did in Michigan and PA.

I understand. The sad part is everyone is super energized, it looks like we’re going to have massive record turnout… and 35% of eligible voters still will not have voted. USA#1

No, not based on exit polls. Based on the actual vote count as of like 1 AM on election night.

The GOP whines about everything, always. When the mainstream media picks up on it, then it matters. The “Obama spied on my campaign” stuff Trump has been spouting for months doesn’t matter. The Hillary emails mattered because the real news gave it legitimacy.

The media will credulously cover stories involving fake ballots all voting for Biden. The 95% of people who only get their news from snippets of cable news or reading the shit their friends post on Facebook will, at minimum, think there’s something to be said about Democratic voter fraud. And that’s a bad fucking position to be in when Trump starts moving to invalidate mail in ballots or states try to certify the election before counting is completed.


Ohio is back to blue on 538 thingy that looks like intestines and DC is the anus all the shit comes out of. Democracy is safe. JMan you can come off that ledge now.

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My stand is still that people really want to vote for Trump, but so far couldn’t really find excuses to do so. They will find one eventually, maybe Hunter has packed the court with fracking regulators or something.


I disagree with your take on mail in ballots for a lot of reasons. Don’t have time or inclination to write a long post, but I’m gonna repost this from the voting thread, which addresses some of them:


“Both sides are bad, why not try this new guy, he’s different” was definitely a thing in 2020. Drain the swamp was actually a big hit. He’s going to try and replay that hit but it’s not clear it packs the same punch it did in 2020. The blue wave happened in 2018 guys. A dem won in Alabama. We’re 2 weeks out and Florida, Georgia and Iowa are all polling as toss ups. Texas still gets polls showing a Biden win. This is not 2016 FFS. Yes we still have to sweat this like a motherfucker for 2 weeks, but repeat after me this is not 2016, this is not 2016, this is not 2016…


How do you write “2020” twice when you mean 2016, when the whole point of your post is to not confuse 2020 with 2016? Lol.


Forcing people to watch you have sex is shameful.

I just pulled up her calendar.

She went to Michigan 0 times in September, once in October, and twice in the week leading up to the election. She suffered a surprise loss in the primary there and decided it didn’t deserve her attention.

In September-November she was in PA 10 times but every single appearance was in Philly or Pittsburgh except for one rally in Harrisburg.

For comparison, she had 20 rallies in New York during that time frame.

Edit: maybe I’m wrong about the NY rallies as this could conceivably just be her flying home in between events. The calendar doesn’t specify.

I filled out an absentee ballot because I don’t want to catch COVID. Sorry. Dems pushing mail-in is responsible.

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You think Breitbart won’t make up stories about voter fraud if we all switch to in-person voting? Man, they’ll just dust off the 2018 memes about thousands of illegal aliens voting. De-emphasizing mail-in voting to get Facebook grandmas to accept the outcome of the election is never going to work.


You guys need to take a Xanax. You are really collectively freaking out about circumstances that were unimaginable a year ago.

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I think the NYT won’t cover the stuff Breitbart makes up about in person voting. They will 100% cover a bunch of fake ballots discovered in Wisconsin that all voted Biden.

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Anyway I’m done, if people think I’m freaking out about stuff that won’t happen then i won’t continue to pollute the thread with fear. Back to the McMahon jpegs