Everyone should take a break for 2 days to watch trump storm Joe’s podium at the debates.

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To add on to what eyebooger said, states will start announcing their in person vote totals the second polls close but the mail-in ballot numbers are always somewhat delayed and don’t usually get announced until at least the day after the election. There are a few states that are processing mail in ballots earlier than usual this year so we’ll get some of those numbers on election day but other states like California are notoriously slow at counting, it took 30 days just to count the primary ballots in 2016 and 2018.

COVID will continue to spike as we approach Election Day. Could be an important factor.

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Some fun-sounding events if anyone is considering donating to campaigns:

(my uncle’s brother produced Happy Days, so that one is close to my heart)

^^^That one is VEEP^^^

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Not if the media isn’t covering it instead of Hunter’s LAPTOPZZZZZZZZZZZ

I think the only way COVID really penetrates the headlines right now is if we start hitting multiple daily new highs. It will probably happen pre-election at our current trajectory, unless the red states really sandbag the numbers. With that will come the stories about hospital overruns in some places, rising deaths, etc. If we stay at 55-65K for the next 2 weeks, it won’t break through.

Mail-in voting seems like it has been very valuable in GA for pushing Dem turnout. 2018 Gov race:

I wasn’t thinking so much about national headlines. More like what is going on locally. E.g., Wisconsin is blowing up right now, as are other states. If hospitals start getting overrun locally, people will hear about it. At that point some people may wish they hadn’t waited to vote on Election Day.

I’m in rural TN near KY. All I see during MLB are Biden ads. It makes no sense. Both TN and KY will be +10 for Trump.

This isn’t 2016 is just a mantra, we genuinely don’t know yet. At some point it becomes too similar to wHaT aBOuT 2016???! that i keep hearing from deplorables.

Biden is an ok candidate at best. The media is still terrible. Over 40% of American voters are still voting for the dumbest person in the world as their leader. The Electoral College is still a ridiculous system that no one can or try to defend. Russia are still doing their best. Voter suppression is still the #1 goal of one lf the two party system. Blatant cheating as a strategy is accepted as a given outcome.

So this whole this isn’t 2016 is based on a slightly bigger lead in the national polls. I get it. It’s more likely than not to be true, but not sweating it is a flat out dumb privilege when the stakes are this high and the people involved are this incompetent.




He would be in jail in Israel and we are basically an apartheid nation.


Black people on buses going from polling place to polling place, voting dozens of times each.

Ohio’s COVID cases are skyrocketing, idk how that affects the race.

And these I don’t think they can suppress because they’re true early votes, not vote by mail.

We’re drawing live to an election night map that is this:

But looks like this as votes come in if you just shade them the color of who is ahead - and the “blue wall” and NY might not even look close:

Then ends up like this when (if) they’re all counted:

Now take that situation, but keep the actual vote close enough nationally that the GOP holds TX, GA, and NC… Maybe even FL… And imagine how crazy red the map will look on 11/3 as midnight approaches.

Imagine Trump giving a victory speech about how he was re-elected in an epic landslide with even the liberal strongholds of New York and California recognizing his greatness… With the swing states delivering him 65-70% of his vote… These of course being margins that Biden couldn’t POSSIBLY make up off the mail-in vote, and if he does OBVIOUSLY it was fraud from anti-American Trump-hating radical leftist Democratic governors.

As such he calls on Biden to concede and go peacefully into the night… Biden takes the stage, looking haggard, and gives a lame “We’ve gotta count all the votes and I’ll go by whatever the results are,” speech.

We awake 11/4 to news that Bill Barr’s DOJ is suing to stop all vote counting and alleging widespread voter fraud in mail-in votes, and ACB is the swing vote.

It’s a damn good reason to shit all over any claim that Dems should push for election day voting. A decent percentage of those people will be dead or incapacitated by election day.

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lol i like this one

“Well, this has been an absolute fucking disaster from the beginning.”

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My town in NH has had a ton of people receive in the mail Absentee Voter application forms, along with a stamped envelope already addressed to the town clerk. It’s not a ballot, just a request form to fill out to receive a ballot, plus someone trying to save you the cost of a stamp. People (read: morons) think it’s VOTER FRAUD.

Some person in New Jersey is doing what they can to help a swing state vote safely and they’ll probably get held at gunpoint or get doxed by QAnon. Maybe both.

Do these polls take into account that 34 million people have already voted or do they just account for those yet to vote?