At 31% of 2016 vote in WI.


It was inevitable the Trump campaign would throw a bunch of bullshit at the wall in October, and the media would at least cover it enough to get them back in the game.

My buddy in California texted me last night asking what this “Biden is a child molester” stuff was. He assumed correctly that it’s bullshit, but he heard it from a friend and he did NOT hear it was Hunter, he heard it was Joe.

I don’t think Biden would win and take power on that map. Arizona would be close, and it would likely take a week to count their votes. That’s too much time for Trump to shut it down, start a civil war, etc.

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AZ +5 B / AZ +6 Kelly : I prefer these when sleepy tracks close to the Senate candidate.




I’m not sure how much I believe any poll showing 9-10% undecided on October 20.

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that should help some with people above sweating crazy white non-college new regs/votes in PA

just like 4 years ago, not a damn thing matters until 2 weeks before the election.

R’s understand this, D’s do not.

Trump kinda had a strategy, it just fizzled, so now he pissed off and winging it.

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You mean the second envelope? Yeah it’s an asinine law and it’s going to cost us at least, AT LEAST 5% of the Dem votes. Probably 2-3% of Republican votes.

Yeah I would have guessed the opposite, at least in NC.

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Biden 48-46 = Trump cruising to a 2016-style electoral college win.

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If that were true, why are they strapped for cash now relative to Biden, even after Sheldon Adelson’s corpse just dropped 75 million in their laps?


If you’re counting on happy fun time if Biden “wins” a squeaker, you’re going to be very disappointed. We need landslide. These recent polls are not landslide.

P.S. We need landslide for 3 reasons:

  1. To prevent the possibility of fuckery/court challenges in a single state.
  2. To actually get the senate back this cycle.
  3. To show that there is actually a mandate against Trumpism.

said R’s, not team trump

lol i’m trying to figure this out myself. what’s got everyone panicked this morning?

I think a lot of late undecideds just don’t vote. Is there data?

Isn’t it obvious that Trump is talking about winning NY because they count early votes late there, and he thinks he can maybe steal that election too if he’s up on November 3rd?

I just need to get this off my chest - I think mail in voting is terrible and Democrats are foolish for pushing it so hard.

Our problem every cycle is turnout. We can’t convince people to go to the polls. Mail in voting requires significantly more planning and steps to accomplish, but we’re betting that we won’t lose voters along the way. 0.0% of Trump voters are going to be scared about going to vote in person. If we lose 2% of Biden voters in PA because they couldn’t be bothered to do multiple transactions involving mail and stamps and envelopes, that can easily be the difference between winning and losing.

On top of that, there are a significant number of mail in ballots that are thrown out for various reasons. Signatures not matching or signed in the wrong place, wrong envelope, post office delays, etc. These things literally do not happen for in person voting. Everyone is aware of this, and Dems are fighting tooth and nail to make sure that their voters are the ones disproportionately affected by it. If we lose 2% of mailed in PA ballots because of the wrong envelope, that can easily be the difference.

On top of THAT, there is a very real concern about voter fraud and tampering with absentee elections. The idea has been floated here before but it’s actually really serious: what if someone mails in like 5,000 fake ballots, all voting Biden? That’s game over.

It all just seems like the ultimate “put faith in our institutions” fuck up. And much like 2016, I do find it fucking jarring how many people attend Trump’s rallies and how much enthusiasm there is among his supporters. We are once again hoping that “listen… our candidate sucks, we all know this, but they’re better than Trump, right? So go do the right thing” will work. Cool. Love to see it.


NC was always the shakiest state both senate/potus races for dems, it’s always been that way. Hagan vs Tillis, etc.

I never should’ve put NC lean D, was always tossup at best.