A lawbro saying “I don’t see how…” is probably more often wrong than right.


This is almost literally beyond the the analytic and operational capability of the Trump adminstration. To the extent it isn’t, it involves a massive criminal conspiracy that would involve many witnesses and a paper trail.

Again, my point isn’t that it’s impossible, it’s that it’s harder than people think, and Trump has never succeeded at anything hard.

I don’t see how that’s the case.


He won in 2016 in part due to the criminal conspiracy we have evidence of but not too much happened to him because of it


UP: the leopard is going to eat our faces
law bros: the leopard couldn’t possibly eat our faces because that would be illegal, and we would get an injunction and [trails off as face is eaten]


I would say that he won AND there was a criminal conspiracy. He won because of ignorance and racism, the criminal conspiracy was largely background noise (though the election was so close that tons of different variables were relevant, so i guess the criminal conspiracy was a but for cause).

The Weeds (ie, Chapo for people interested in reality), has a good discussion of the post office background and the broader political context this week.

You’ve spent 4 years telling everyone that X,Y,Z awful things can’t and won’t happen, only to see basically all of those things happen, yet you’re still somehow in here unironically shaming the people who’ve been right all along. Come on man. We’re not worried about garden variety GOP bullshit, we’re worried about Federal troops entering cities and physically disrupting voting. If you don’t think that’s a real risk, I don’t know what to say.


Keep in mind that this massive post office conspiracy is Trump’s fallback from 1) illegally getting dirt on Biden’s son (getting himself impeached, and probably raising Biden’s prospects) and 2) Kanye!

These are not smart people. They are not average people.

Are you saying that you don’t think local officials have a good handle on the demographic makeup of the areas where they live?

I’m saying the Trump operation would need to process information and direct activity based on the results. In secret. And then direct relevant post office activity in a public manner while attempting to appear neutral.

They’re not smart, but can be cunning. They are like the poker pro who is horrible at math but gets by on “feel” (and angle shooting, if not outright cheating).

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Nancy’s on the case!

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Great work, Nancy!

Btw, the postal service delivers 180M pieces of mail a day. 129M votes were cast in 2016. 50% vote by mail would be a significant but not major increase in mail volume. The extra volume would be spread out over about a month, likely with a spike at the end. We can now look forward to 80 days where the overriding message (as it should be) will be Vote Now, a week before the election is too late. You will hear this constantly. If Trump wins it will be because Americans wanted him to win.


Oh, you’re at the Patterson location? Thanks a lot, Heather. Super informative detail there.

Oh no, not a paper trail! Whatever will they do?


It’s local news, so “Patterson location” is an informative detail that narrows it down to the Patterson Avenue post office in Grand Rapids.