I really don’t think we can trust union leadership like anywhere. Of course they’re going to say that, and their motivation could be completely unrelated, like they don’t want more workers to get hired or something.

Stopped here. Are you talking about the popular vote for some reason?


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Well that’s weird he said they would stop doing that


Hahaha no one thought they would just lie. Inconceivable!!!


Thus proving that “most voters” are idiots

I’m talking about the fact that any suppression would have massive effects on Trump’s own votes as well. The more relevant the state, the greater the effect. So to “gain”, say, 100k votes in Ohio, a million total votes would have to be suppressed.

If you read a comment of mine and it seems wrong to you, maybe just rethink your understanding of my point or your background assumptions generally.

I think they can do better than 55-45.

They’re going to target minority neighborhoods for voter suppression like they always do.


Imagine believing this.

Good lord.


They “should” but they don’t really have a plan. This is just Trump’s hail mary ego defense strategy.

You too, smart boy. Quit whining so much and say something interesting about reality.

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There were about a million votes in Franklin and Cuyahoga counties put together (Cleveland and Columbus) and they voted 2 to 1 for HRC. If the best targeting you can do is at the county level (and not like specifically Black neighborhoods) you’d only have to suppress 300k votes.

Do you not see the news footage of black voters in the south waiting 4 hours to vote every election? It doesn’t require brilliant planning to gut services in minority districts.


The example i gave was 37.5/62.5 (15M Trump lost, 25M biden).

Yes, but i regard that as “baseline” suppression. Trump needs to do a lot better.

I don’t see how even anything near this much precision could be achieved without real effort, which requires a broader conspiracy and a paper trails, ect. Like could you suppress Cincinnati city and not Cincinnati suburbs? You can (and they do) via polling stations, but it seems prima facie more difficult to do that with the mail. It would likely require a good deal more than stopping overtime and decommissioning some machines.

Now, does Trump want to suppress the vote by screwing with the post office and is DeJoy on board? Sure. Would the strategy of cutting overtime and limiting pickup locations and decommissioning sorting machines help do that? To an extent, but my point is that it’s a bigger lift than Trump or anti-Trumpers assume and would require a massive targeted conspiracy to pull off at all. In other words, like Trumps Covid strategy (where he had the help of the CDC and every other arm of government), Trump’s voter suppression strategy is more about optics and ego protection than reality.

Remove staff and equipment from targeted POs/sorting centers.


Grunching this. What would be the point?
MAGA driving by gonna barely pay attention and say “Yay, one more of me; I’m more emboldened.”
Some libs gonna jerk off to something they think is clever, while Trump has a better chance of winning cos Trump supporters didn’t waste their time flying fake Hillary flags to feel clever.

I think @JohnnyTruant had this right all along though and the primary reason is to sow doubt and fuel selective legal challenges to the count. (and challenging signatures)