Fine, I lol’d.

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Yeah I mean pre-pandemic I had predicted them coming after mail-in ballots via DOJ. I said Barr could open an investigation into made up voter fraud in Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Phoenix and just seize all the mail-ins there.

Do I get partial credit?

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COVID-19 is a prolific murderer of his base and he’s done nothing to stop it. He makes the absolute worst decision possible in 99 percent of choices. The other ones are stopped clock type things. If he had just said, ‘we’ll get you money, stay home, wear masks, and listen to health experts’ we’d be well on the way to Trump term 2. But this is Trump so he’s actively trying to destroy his base to win an election he needs his base to be 100 percent all in on to be within 6 points of winning…

Wow I’m really surprised he backed down. Almost dont believe it.

My original one was that Barr announces a Democratic conspiracy with Antifa (or whatever scary sounding organization they choose) to do massive amounts of voter fraud in liberal cities in swing states, and tries to seize all the mail in ballots as evidence.

Obviously DOJ is investigating Biden for whatever made up conspiracy does the best in their focus groups.

I used to think a false flag was unlikely and beyond the pale, lol at me on that one. I could easily see them trying to pin something on BLM and Antifa, or just the standard Islamaphobia.

I could see something like an attempt to shut down in person voting in liberal cities with COVID scare tactics.

I’d be surprised if ICE isn’t checking people’s ID near polling places and hauling off brown people who don’t have a license on them. If you’re a person of color who is not a registered voter, don’t come within a mile of a polling place that’s within 100 miles of a border, you may get charged with voting fraud for walking down the street. ICE detaining a couple hundred Hispanic voters on the morning of election day on total bullshit would probably depress Hispanic turnout, so that’s in play. So is the FBI detaining a bunch of black voters on suspicion of vandalizing statues or something. Remember, nothing has to stick, they are just detaining them to scare people of color out of voting.

I haven’t thought a ton about the specifics, but whatever the Trump administration can do to scare people in big cities, create traffic jams in big cities, you name it… It’s in play. What happens if he announces a terror plot and deploys the national guard to shut down a bunch of streets in Philly on election day, creating massive traffic issues? Takes us to terror alert level blinking bright red holy shit were under attack run, then shuts down subways and public transit in big cities?

If you accept that false flags are in play, what happens if a ballot is filled out for Biden and mailed in with anthrax on it in PA? Does the FBI get to seize a bunch of “suspicious” ballots? Do volunteers freak out and not want to help open and count ballots?

What if a couple ballot drop boxes just blow up? Same questions.

What if they mail in a shit load of clearly fake ballots just to erode trust, cast aspersions and try to get all mail-in ballots thrown out? Like what if 50,000 ballots voting for Biden are mailed to the board of elections in Detroit from Moscow?

Or maybe the reason they are stopping the USPS stuff now is that they’ve already done enough to swing it, in their view. Or maybe they just plan on resuming it 3 weeks before the election and playing the LOL Fuck You card. Or they could just straight up hack the machines in a few states.

What I know is their options are endless, there are several agencies headed by lackeys with tons of ways to fuck with an election, and the GOP won’t do an election security bill.

We’re about to have a free for all, not an election.


Originally it was a prolific murderer of minorities and the working class, so he didn’t care and wanted it to be worse. Then it was on him so he had to pretend he did everything right.

Smart guy, this one. You’ve been paying attention the last four years or something.

It killed the olds first.

Yes, the black and brown olds disproportionately.

Maybe the damage is already done


Trump and Putin working together to start a war to get Trump the war time president bump?

Either that or they already did most of the damage they were hoping to do.

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Has anyone considered they did enough damage already?


Most of us expected it to get much, much worse.

What makes you think you understand more than anyone else?

The union recently said as of right now they could handle the mail in ballots without a problem.

If Donnie Dumb Dumb starts a war his approval in the Republican party is going to jump to 173%. Not even Lincoln got 173%! Did you know he was a Republican, very very few people know that.

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I mean the union endorsed Biden, if they were completely fucked I think they’d say something.

And of course there are and will be problems, but to stop the advantage Biden has they would need to have HUGE problems. I was expecting like 10s of millions of ballots not getting counted, I don’t think thats the case where things are today.

I also expect the workers to make ballots a priority, I’m sure most are aware their jobs are basically on the line. I’m pretty confident most aren’t happy with the way things are going.

To be clear, I’m not all optimistic all of the sudden, I expect them to have some more super fucked up shit up their sleeve or they’re just hitting the pause button and go nuclear a few weeks out. But as things stand I don’t think USPS is FUBAR yet.

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