Not necessarily dead yet, but seems certain he will be soon if he isn’t already.


He was at one point…but dude has snapped

Willing to bet he was behind the annoyed gimmick troll

looks like college turnout is low due to not bernie and covid.

for those that want to panic here you go

college turnout low…


As of now:

2020 registered voters:

  • Republicans - 3,506,337 (+205k)
  • Democrats - 4,207,190 (-10k)
  • Other - 1,302,636 (+100k)

2016 registered voters:

  • Republicans - 3,301,182
  • Democrats - 4,217, 456
  • Other - 1,204,339

“other” is some amalgamated figure comprised of around 2/3 affiliated voters and 1/3 the rest.

Current figures:

Past figures:

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went over on right wing election twitter

“AZ is safe, James is winning, we’re ahead in NV, NC and Tillis now safe, college kids aren’t voting, dems need a bigger lead than this before election day, FL will have a shocking margin of victory”

good lord there’s such a difference.

It’s amazing. We’re way ahead and panicked, they’re way behind and confident.

Then again we root for the political equivalent of the Atlanta Falcons, they root for the MAGA Patriots, so maybe that all makes sense.



God I was still imagining ways Tennessee would beat UK when UK went up 34-7 with 11 minutes left.

It wasn’t until Tenn turned it over on downs with 7 minutes left I finally felt ready to celebrate.

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It’s more that they’re stupid, don’t live in reality, and don’t understand how polling works. Most of their analyst consists of " no way Trump loses to Biden, all the people I know from the gun range are voting Trump "

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Who were they on 2+2?

JFC this is the type of shit we’re dealing with. Now imagine this on a scale of 10s of thousands of Trump poll watchers.

I guess this could have been a case of the dude using the " you can’t wear political gear to the polls " rule, but even then don’t they just make you turn it inside out instead of making you fucking leave? And lol at thinking BLM is political gear.


There haven’t been much in the way of high quality state polls in recent weeks.

Where do you find this?


Mr. Biden, if he wins, will find consensus on some of his policy priorities. Two in three voters supported allowing people to buy a health insurance plan through the federal government, a so-called public option, and the same supermajority backed Mr. Biden’s $2 trillion plan to increase the use of renewable energy and build energy-efficient infrastructure.

Even more voters, 72 percent, said they backed the sort of package House Democrats have been seeking for months to send to Mr. Trump: a $2 trillion stimulus package that would extend increased unemployment insurance, send stimulus checks to most Americans and provide financial support to state and local governments.

In a sign of how broad the support is for additional relief, and the risk congressional Republicans may be taking if they block further spending, even 56 percent of Republicans said they backed another $2 trillion package.


Up from +8 in September. I’ll take it.

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