If Dems lose PA and WI, they aren’t picking up NC.


It just now occurred to me it was Jeffrey Toobin and not Jonathan Turley doing the jerking and now I’m kinda sad about it

Will it really matter when its 6-3? Will he be able to convince the other conservatives to follow him?

WI would be blue, MI red in that version so you’d have to flip NV back to even the #'s

Assuming ACB is sworn in prior to 11/3, can the SC rule again on that PA ruling that was 4-4?

for those not on predictit, trumpers got shut out of the POTUS market so the state markets flipped super hard republican and a bunch of D+ a lot states ended up being profitable just gobbling up shares even after all the fees.

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whyd they get shut out?

50k bettors allowed per market I think which filled up in the main POTUS market earlier today.

which means I almost got DC double maxed free money profit because people are f’ing stupid. Sure a 91/4 place will flip this election. Tied up all my available money with CA but I just take things like this when people give it.

Florida is now red on Predictit

Surely this is live:

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apparently 50 cent endorsed Trump lmao, the “jorgensen voter” i’ve talked about posted it.

Also another random clown i know of posted it as well saying “come on dems yall have to think this through”, but the video she posted actually says “50cent endorses trump due to Biden tax plan”, wow really the rich black man endorsed trump for tax purposes? And you can’t figure out why lower class african americans aren’t also?


Florida odds might be right really, polls are roughly even with what they usually get polling wise down there before they lose.

but Florida just started early voting, R’s got a push when people were posting stats that were omitting


Isn’t that exactly the issue though? Being reckless about where and when you masturbate effectively pulls people into your sexual act without their consent.

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Trump wins is what happens, because there’s no recourse.

Explain this again in English? Because I dont’ understand why PI just swung so hard republican.

Estimates I’ve seen expect 150-160M votes, so 20% is in (and FL started early voting today).

From what I’ve heard, some right-wing youtube guy told his audience about Predictit and that led to a much of MAGA money flooding the site.

After some shaky PA/FL polls, a clear indication the courts will rig if given the chance and the realization there are tons of non-college whites registered in PA who didn’t vote in 2016, I am in full meltdown mode.



making shit up to defend jerking off in front of your coworkers, interesting