Ive been getting texts from both sides and i’m not registered nor can i vote

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Trump somehow got one of my emails and they are relentless begging for money.

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The pace isn’t fading yet.



On the one hand, meh, I think Trump should be allowed to speak as much as possible and interrupt as much as possible becuase I think that’s why we started getting Biden +16 to Biden +18 poles. On the other hand, he will fucking lose his shit the first time he’s muted.


I think the worst think will be how much it will devastate my mom, possibly having to live the remainder of her life under a Trump dictatorship.

Blah, now that I’ve read more, I think this might be the worst of both worlds. It’s not Trump getting muted, it’s both candidates mic’s just being off for the 2 minute segment. So Trump can’t get muted and go off, and it’s less time for him to act like a raging maniac. Oh well.

Toobin was method acting playing the courts by jerking off.


You fire him because it is totally inappropriate behavior during a work meeting.

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I’m sure we all know that Biden’s middle initial is “R”. Let’s take a poll to see how many of us know what his middle name is. I personally did not know the answer somehow.

Don’t look at the votes first and don’t change your answer.

Joseph ________ Biden
  • Rodger
  • Robin
  • Robinette
  • Rudy
  • Rudebaker
  • Remus
  • Richard

0 voters

I cheated.

You are being absurd. Being against someone jacking it during a video business meeting is not been prude or against sex,

GTFO with that nonsense.

I was shocked when I saw what it was not because it’s different but because it hasn’t yet been used to attack him by Trump and co. Or by Garrison to make some absurd marrionette/robinette cartoon.

Had I said anything remotely like this you would have a solid point.

Man, no matter what happens at this point, on election night, PA is going to appear to be an epic fucking blowout against Biden until about Thursday:


I think you guys have conservative friends trolling you. I have ~no conservative friends and I’m only getting texts from Dem/liberal groups.


Almost every Republican I know truly believes the polls are fake and Trump is going to win comfortably.


Yeah I’ve been pointing this out, I think most states that expanded mail-in voting without doing any processing/counting in advance will be similar. Obviously Trump will try to exploit it.

Same. We’re definitely looking at country wide violence and terrorist attacks when Trump is up like 20 points election day in places like PA only to lose to mail in ballots over several days. Zero chance they think its legit.

We might fade it if we can win places like FL on election night. But if it comes down to swing states and Biden pulls ahead after several days I think even most here will be shocked at the insanity.

What happens if proud boys try to storm places counting mail in ballots like Roger Stone and company did in Florida? What happens if they do storm it with guns and just light the ballots on fire while they’re still counting?



Anyone thinks we might be drawing live to this map: