There is a good metaphor somewhere in the guy in charge of playing “the courts” literally jacking off during the proceedings


I think society would be a lot better if these kinds of things didn’t become huge stories if there was nothing intentionally prurient about it, but also, jfc guy, no even possibly on cameras near your baby gavel is a smart policy.

Biden ahead by only 4% ahead in PA and 2% in FL has me nervous af.

This is a demonstration of how the machines work:


Lol so basically he was looking at porn while on the call and didn’t realize the camera was on when he whipped it out.

“election simulation” should read “erection stimulation.”

He must be pulling rookie numbers to make this kind of mistake.


538 still has Biden 87 to 13 in PA. Be nervous but maybe not nervous af quite yet. FL is 71? Biden, but that feels like gambool gambool to me. Biden has about as much of a chance to win South Carolina as stable genius has to win PA.

Its a really bad pollster and Nate breaks down why they suck but at this point I’m taking every Trump outlier poll as immediate truth


if they tighten from there, then I’m shook, otherwise it’s just going back to what they were.



Yes I mean count early enough to be caught up on Election Day. Not as they come in. Let’s say 1-2 days.

I concur on no more polls while voting is ongoing. But that one is difficult. 1st amendment.

Porter, Khanna and Lieu are the three best choices there.

Porter, Khanna and Lieu are the three least likely to be selected there.

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Porter if she wants it should be the choice here clearly. So it won’t be.

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Toobin is one of the best legal commentators on TV. That said, it’s all too plausible he’s serial a Zoom jacker.


Toobin is a consistently good legal analyst but if I remember correctly this isn’t his first rodeo when it comes to weird sex scandals. I’m too lazy to look it up but I’m fairly certain he had a really messy divorce and subsequent remarriage.

Edit: he had a kid with his mistress (which he tried to deny paternity of), but no divorce

Just google “Toobin divorce”. Yeah he’s not well behaved when it comes to sexual ethics.

But at least he will live a long time as verb

Toobin- spanking it while on a video call. Preferably just while you are listening but if you can’t tech or you are an exhibitionist- then on camera.


I’m just going to cut you off right there. You were for Trump winning the GOP primary in 2016 because he had no path to winning the general election, right?

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Yup. Look his odds of success go up a ton if it’s close, but I think he’s trying even if he gets landslided. I don’t have any insight at all into what will happen if he’s successful in remaining in power except that it’ll be bad.

I don’t think he’s got a prayer of staying in power given his incompetence and personal relationship with every powerful person on earth unless it’s a squeaker. Who is going to back his play? GOP legislators don’t have anything they can add to the situation, and the SC doesn’t have any good angles if it’s not close.