Toni Atkins or Lorena Gonzalez, IMO.

Riverman posted something about this the other day, but the rhetoric from Trump, his campaign, and his surrogates in the last week has reached a new level of unhinged and it’s very scary. And he hasn’t even lost the election yet.

At this point I’d say he’s a heavy favorite to call for civil war in the event of a loss. And I expect at least one Dem politician to be assassinated in the aftermath of his loss. I hope I’m wrong but I worry I’m not.

Is it really that different?

Remember the “second amendment people” quote from 2016?

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His campaign, not some whacko, his actual campaign is currently claiming a US Governor is involved in a plot to assassinate him. The same Governor that just happened to recently actually have been the target of an assassination plot.

They are claiming his opponents son is a pedophile and that they have proof he was in possession of child porn.

If you’re not seeing how drastic this is, you are the boiling frog at this point.


Well I did think someone was gonna fire at Obama and that didn’t happen so maybe not. Only like pelosi is hated enough for this to even be in the realm of possible really but it only takes one nutterball.

I don’t think this is healthy, but there’s way more than Pelosi. Almost every Dem woman politician under 60 received death threats by the hour.

eh, the verbal/written death threat to actual threat ratio is a lot lower than people think it is.

It’s definitely gotten a lot worse since 2016. He’s openly calling for his political opponents to be locked up (he used to only hint at this and has made it clear he’s not joking including complaining about Barr), cheering on the Michigan terrorists and telegraphing his intent to mobilize heavily armed supporters when he loses. It’s really really bad.



He’s also laying the groundwork to fight to hold power even if he loses.

There’s a part of me that hopes he does this, but only if I could be assured that he ends up losing this fight and gets embarrassed/arrested as a result.

I agree. The Overton window shift is really messing people up. Just 7 years ago you could have gotten like a million to one bets on if a sitting president in the US would threaten violence if he lost.

These kinds of comments are like sulphuric acid eroding at the foundation of US democracy.


I’m for it as well honestly. The position it’ll put the GOP in is impossible. He won’t succeed because there won’t actually be a viable route to staying in power when he gets absolutely demolished in the election… but he’ll try anyway and fuck over the GOP lifers one last time on the way out the door. I’m also optimistic it makes the whole situation way worse for him personally, and that’s something to look forward to.

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No need to hope, its going to happen…

What about the Squad?

oh right Omar. She’s just a whatever house rep though, not any real power.

AOC they just laugh at more than anything and I doubt more than a few could name the others.

Probably ponied since this happened on Friday but seems like it makes Michigan slightly more in play

Ballots received after 8 p.m. on Election Day in Michigan cannot be counted, an appeals court ruled on Friday — a reminder that election rules in many states remain in flux just over two weeks before the election.

A lower court had previously ruled that ballots postmarked by Nov. 2 and received within 14 days of Election Day, the deadline for certifying election results, could be counted.

It is not clear whether this latest decision will be appealed to the Michigan Supreme Court.

Gee reporter. What do you think?


Eff this. Even with the EC in place we need consistent rules for voting.

Voting should at least be a week long.
Absentee/mail-in no brainer. If that’s a problem have secure drop boxes at I don’t know maybe POST OFFICES? Everybody has a damn post office.

Ballot counting can start before official Election Day.

Ballots have a week after the final election to make it in to be counted.

Move safe harbor back a day if needed.

No fucking guns with 300 feet. Interesting with right to vote is a felony with wait for it—- loss of voting privileges.


Shockingly, absentee ballots can be opened and scanned starting today in Georgia.

Unfortunately, no late ballots are accepted. Have to be in by 7:00pm Nov. 3.

Biden up 10 in Michigan according to new poll from Mitchell (C- 538 rating)