they gutted it based on it being discriminatory to certain states though right? Can’t we just pass one that says, any laws making it harder to vote in any state have to be approved?

They legit just made up some bullshit to gut it. Their gutting of the voting rights act was nonsense. There was no logic or law that was the cause of this, it was pure ideology. The court is purely driven by ideology especially on the conservative side, and they decide what the law says and they will always decide it says something that benefits conservatives.

Just like citizens united. Just like all their horrible rulings. It’s 100% about conservative right wing power grab.

They will just make a states rights argument and strike it down.


They’ll make up a new excuse. The reason the conservative legal bench is so shallow is that a prerequisite is that you not care about law, justice or having any personal integrity. Hard to be those things and simultaneously be a great legal mind.

Yeah I mean they declared racism over in the south, they are beyond shame


My dad probably doesn’t have many years left. He’s been a good father and he made a lot of sacrifices for his kids. His opinions don’t actually change anything so no I’m not going to disown him or give him an ultimatum over Trump. If we were in a swing state I think I’d gently try to change his mind but thankfully that’s not the case.


Even in the best case for liberals I don’t see how everything doesn’t get dragged out for years. It’ll take forever for the dems to act. Republivans will obstruct and delay at every turn. Then it’ll be tied up in courts for years. They’d need to control all parts of government for like 6-8 years to make meaningful and permanent changes. And that won’t happen.

The only hope for quick and meaningful action is a Biden administration that plays like Trump did and ignores a bunch of laws and norms to do what he wants anyway. National emergencies for climate change. Gut ICE. Etc. And I doubt that’s happening.

Maybe I’m just pessimistic, but I think we’ll see. Maybe the dems can do to tons of small and targeted popular changes for 2 years and buy themselves more times.


Ugh. Watching SNL cold open. The Fire Marshal Biden act gets old fast.

Pinning our hopes on Joe Biden being a braver man than Barack Obama is a pretty hot take.

Well yeah they aren’t going to fix a lot of the huge stuff like climate change or healthcare in their first term. I do think they will fix stuff like voting and the supreme court because otherwise they won’t get anything done.

If they fix the supreme court and voting rights its very likely they can get that 6-8 years to start to fix stuff, if not its very unlikely.

We need a minimum of like 53 senators to get shit done, unless we can get rid of Feinstein by putting her in the admin somewhere

But I think just passing the heros act soon after taking office would likely lead to them extending their senate lead in 2022. Variance is a possible stock market tank which would probably make them lose in 2022.

I mean its a completely different climate. Obama was the first black president and didn’t want to do anything that upset norms too much. Norms have been blown up and we’re on the edge of fascism and even the conservative party leaders are talking about packing the court or doing supreme court reform. The stakes are 100 times higher.

I mean Obama himself said we should nuke the filibuster recently. I think dems have finally woken up that this is a fight do the death over power and if they don’t act Republicans are going to enact one party rule for the foreseeable future.

I don’t expect dems to do much besides heros act and hopefully voting rights/fixing the supreme court. Even that is a massive win though.


Yeah sometimes it’s not worth it. Wife’s mom is one of the nicest people ever and she’s voting Trump simply because she thinks Biden is a pedophile. We’re in NJ so it doesn’t matter one iota, so why make things weird and even argue about it.

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104 seat US Senate sounds great John.

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I guess that’s my point. They won’t be able to fix voting rights and the Supreme Court in 2 years. Maybe they can keep the senate for 2 more years given the 2022 class and make some progress in 4 years. But I’m still quite pessimistic.

Yeah they probably don’t do the supreme court packing before 2022 because it might hurt their senate chances. I think they do a bunch of stuff like heros act and maybe voting rights reform, just easy popular stuff before 2022, then after 2022 and they hopefully gain senators they pack the court.

First two years will probably be just pandemic stuff, heros act, and fixing all the fucked up shit Trump did. After that hopefully they gain in 2022 and can pack the courts.

Just doing a competent job on the pandemic and heros act should lead to them crushing the midterms.

I would be troubled by anyone basing their presidential election choice based on the VP. Even above her thinking Kamala is uppity.



I hope you’re right, but I don’t see how they get anything through the senate without getting rid of the filibuster, and I don’t think they do it. And I’m not usually on team WAAF either.


They for sure pay people to attend those rallies. Obviously not all of them are paid crisis actors but a decent chunk of them are

We shall see, you might be right, but I think dems know their backs are against the wall here and all norms are gone.

If you don’t think they will nuke the filibuster why the fuck aren’t you on team WAAF? If they don’t nuke it and get nothing done they’re losing control in 2022 and in 2024 and its game over with a 6-3 supreme court. Republicans will just continue to consolidate power to the point where dems have no real chance of winning full control again anytime soon. Probably have a 7-2 supreme court and a complete dystopian theocracy.