I’m not sure that I agree that he’s likely “winning” on Election Day. Seems like democrats are voting early at a greater clip than absentee and at a greater ratio than expected. Also remember that in some states (notably Florida), we will know the mail in votes that day. At this point I’d say it’s very possible we know Biden is the winner on election night. If the final total is anywhere near Biden +10 nationally I’m nearly certain we will know he’s the winner on election night. If Biden pulls it out with like a +5-+7 nationally then it’s probably us waiting for the counting to finish.

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Heh I will take credit for this one. I think I changed it right around cuse and jman’s Vince Meme Fail-off. I’m surprised it’s lasted as long as it has.

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It’s probably time to stop flying 77 year old Joe Biden all over this Covid infested country. Especially with a monster surge happening.


Yeah, let’s send this guy. Close enough, and he’s gotta be immune to most everything by now.


Get him in a literal basement. JFC

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Biden getting Covid and being on death’s door on election night really would be the most 2020 thing ever.


Madden Cruiser

This is a good idea. He can stay in it and have press conferences outside in various towns.

How useful are national polls at this point? Clinton lost with +2.
There are about 40 states which are completely meaningless. If Biden’s +10 comes from +40 wins in CA, NY and IL while Trump wins the red states by +10 instead of 25 then it doesn’t tell us anything.

Adelson shipped him $75 million

In case you were thinking of shopping at Home Depot, their founder chipped in $5 million


Not sure what if anything it means/matters, but I’m hearing a lot of chatter today about how Reps have a 2-1 advantage over Dems the past couple months in voter registration, particularly in FL. NPR eggheads chalked it up to the fact that Reps are ignoring Covid and knocking doors. MSNBC eggheads were slightly wringing hands :man_shrugging:

so any good news for today?

If Biden wins the election but is sick from COVID, does the DNC roll the dice on him getting better with the chance of having Kalama become POTUS, or…


In 2016 the national polls were a lot more accurate than the state polls. They were off by like 1.5 points. If Biden wins by anything above 6 or so points nationally there is just no way he’s losing in the tipping point state.

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Unlikely, but I hope they do because it would be the greatest troll in the history of trolls.

twitter has been down for the last 90 minutes, so how could there possibly be any news?

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Whyyyyyyyy is Biden spending so much money on MSNBC???

I think if Biden got pozzed and had to bow out that Kamala would easily win

as Hillary’s VP


Thanks for confirming, I was like wtf is wrong with my app