twitter working fine for me on a pc.

Fine for me

10 mins ago


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Working fine on my fax machine


Something definitely up.

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Actually yes. A lot of threads here are us arguing with one another which means we’re less concerned with all things Trump.


On a related note, Jim Carrey absolutely sucks as Biden. Woody was so much better.

yeah it came back about the time I mentioned it. no tweets in my feed before that.





Interesting. I can view everything but can’t post any tweets.

All I know is that my notifications tab isn’t working, I’m not going to scroll through all of Twitter like some chump!


the campaign has more money than they know what to do with it at this point

shit buy some ads in Idaho or Oklahoma just to piss some R’s off

or DC for one person

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Do they? Because I see three Trump ads for one Biden ad during most sportsball games here (FL)

they have 400 million+

for context Hillary had < 1/2 that

Trump still has a lot but like you’d think they spent a billion in the spring/summer lol them

Wow Texas might go blue :joy:






(The same pollster has McSally down 10 points).

Emerson switched to partially using Mturk, they’re garbage. (if you look at the poll, scroll to the end, Mturk usage is right there)

Due to that, they’re not even being used by one of the election poll modelers out there.

Time to animal cross party lines!


The reports I saw had SouthLake at about an hour on the first day. I used to live in Keller and it was a disaster.

Keller had a covid POZ issue where a couple people tested positive and in turn forced a large percentage of their workers to quarantine. I believe they only had like 13 of their 32 voting machines operational.

For those people who don’t know, Keller is a middle to upper middle class mostly white suburb located next to Southlake which is a very toney, predominantly white but also inclusive of a lot of professional athletes, suburb between Dallas and Fort Worth.

At Keller Town Hall, the line to vote was nearly three hours long, said resident Barbara Rhome, who has lived in the area for 31 years.

“I’ve never waited that long to vote in my life,” Rhome said. “When we got here this morning, they told us we might as well go home. It’s been a nightmare.”

The nightmare was the result of a poll worker who tested positive for COVID-19 during an election training session, officials said. Due to the positive test, two thirds of workers at Keller Town Hall, Woodland Springs and other county voting locations were sent home.

I live in Fort Worth now and most people I have talked to and from what I have experienced are 30 minutes or less. This includes some lower income and predominately black parts of the city.

I am going to be honest, outside of the state wide Shenanigans and absolutely insane gerrymandering (I have managed two live in two of the most gerrymandered districts in the whole country here) I have never heard reports about many other forms of voter suppression here. Part of me finds that fairly surprising.


Your report jibes with my experience. Southlake mayor just clarified that no masks are required so that will be a shitshow for us in Southlake as well as the Keller situation you described. To be clear, the 90 minute delay was not caused by any change to the polling location, rather the lines were unlike any I’ve ever experienced.

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Watching Kamala Harris on CNN right now. Honestly kind of worried, maybe she’s just exhausted, but she doesn’t look that great. Looks like she could be sick.