Americans spend more on almonds every year than election donations. Have you heard about our healthcare spending?

almonds are tasty af

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True, but they require excessive water to grow.

in fact the lack of marzipan in the states is probably the number one reason why everything is bad.


My concern with money in politics is less about politicians being beholden to donors and more with the societal good that could be done with that money that I assume just gets spent on ad buys which have the double whammy of boxing out private businesses that could use the ad space and lining the pockets of already wealthy media executives. Many of the stations running the ads are likely sinclair owned.


i’m already planning on moving my legal residence to WY post-apportionment

This in a way. Again, i get that the system is built that way. But it’s a constant brag of 'we raised 400 million from small donors only". And like, fuck, that’s might be a necessity in a broken system, not something we should aspire to.

Sorry, just something that constantly bugs me when following politics here. I want almonds now tho :frowning:


So what if 150 million vote but then Biden wins PV 63 million to 60 million and Trump the EC?

Preparing myself for this result. Denying all polls and jubilation itt and considering it fake news until election night

Agreed. The amount spent of American elections is grotesque.

All three main parties spent a TOTAL of $60 million on the entire election campaigns for our federal election in 2019.

Their elections are 4 years long. Ours are 3 months.

What Biden should do with the money is ask the volunteer texters if they would send more if they get paid.

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Twenty-seven million votes (almost a fifth) go 3rd party or are uncounted? That would suck.


It’s not that much different per capita. You live in a country with a small population.

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I was hoping someone would meme that smug ass face.

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Gotta swallow something to shit it out and throw it at someone

Should be noted that a lot of the Clinton +5 polls were like: Clinton 86 Trump 81 while the Biden +5 polls are Biden 52 Trump 47. Definitely a reason to be more comfortable in the latter.


did you know up to this cycle, it’s been pretty consistent that only ~5% of voters ever donate to a political campaign?

Who knows what this year will show.

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Emotionally and mentally, I’m preparing as you are. But analytically, Biden is stronger than HRC was in a handful of important ways and I can indulge myself in the analysis side albeit with a puckered up butthole.