Eh. A big part of Bidens strategy, agree with it or not, is to try to NOT be scary to sane rank and file Republican voters. He’s going to have plenty of excuses to do whatever he wants to the Republicans after Trump tries to hold onto power like we all know he will. He won’t go as hard on them as he should, but they probably won’t retain the ability to torpedo our priorities unless they hold the Senate still.

If the conservative federal judges try to hold things up we’ll pack the various courts.

The most important thing we have to do between the end of this election cycle and the next election is do everything in our power to rig the political system in our favor. Not make things fair, because fuck that, rig it outright.

I hate to say it but this country badly needs 20-30 years of one party rule right now. We have to move fast for a while and there even being an other team opposing getting things done isn’t helpful.

A one party rule by democrats who are terrified of their left flank (rather than being contemptuous of them). No idea how to get there from here though.

Wafflecrush 2020. If we can’t do it in the middle of a pandemic that is literally the guy in charge’s fault that has killed Americans like the Civil War while basically yeeting us off a cliff economically so hard that most of us would snap call 3 years of hard core depression and think we’d beat the odds… well then when would we?

I fear they’ll take the wrong lessons from a wafflecrush (or at my most cynical the “right” lessons but ones that are most detrimental to the world) and reaffirm that they don’t need the left because look how hard we crushed it with joe “nothing will change” biden at the top of the ticket. No better suggestions though.

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The left already demonstrated that they are electorally terrifying by resisting primary attempts and successfully primarying people. General elections are always going to tack toward the center super super hard.

What people run on, and what people actually do couldn’t be more different in my experience. Biden is doing what he thinks is most likely to get him elected right now, and that’s fine. I just hope they are fucking right. If we were right Bernie would have been able to win a Democratic primary.

The only thing that matters right now is winning this election and winning it by a LOT. Electoral shenanigans aside we need a massive wave here.

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East side (Ursuline), Skyline, HOF posthumously, any chip flavor, for living? I’d say Cleveland. Ick.

Just saw a Biden ad in Kentucky. That seems like a waste of money?

Probably near Cincinnati?

Nope, Louisville

Whoever is changing titles is really on their game lately. A+.

Wtf is that?



That’s pretty close to perfect. Westside was a auto-block.

Last Q

Have you seen the Menus?

Like Porter so much



AOC, Porter, Pressley and Tlaib are all on this committee.


I guess this is the final test of if anything matters. These are people who know what they’re doing, understand technology beyond the phonograph, and (I choose to believe) are actually properly on our side for once. If the ‘lol fuck you’ cheat code works here it’ll never fail.

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I hope DeJoy is sufficiently stupid to think he can hold his own with AOC et al.

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Peter Welch and Ro Khanna too.

Obviously this is a step in the right direction but what stops DeJoy from just showing up, lying and moving on? Obviously there is not going to be any prosecution of that at this point and even if it did happen Daddy Trump could just pardon him and claim it was another DIRTY DEM WITCH HUNT.

Obviously he will indeed lie his ass off without consequence, but he seems like the exact kind of guy who will come off terribly in this spot: arrogant, unprepared, and dumb. These hearings should get a ton of coverage.

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