
hmm, a former prominent congressman who talks to Kasich…my money’s on my old pot-growing, chain-smoking, bourbon-drinking, hometown speaker of the house, John Boehner.

He is the one who gave me my Air Force Academy nomination. I think he was in his 2nd term at that point? Even back then, he had the “slimy politician” vibe, but I’ll give credit where it’s due, he treated his academy nominees well. Had nice receptions for us on winter break, always willing to write letters of recommendation, always kept in touch. I wonder if he’d remember me now.

Maybe sampling his product has mellowed him out.


Holy Christ Lord Jesus they’re going to straight-up disenfranchise everyone and no one can stop it.

In today’s moment of there is always a fucking tweet



Sorry required questions since I married a Cincy girl

Eastside or Westside?
Skyline or Goldstar?
Opinion on Pete Rose?
Greater’s flavor?
Shittiest city:Pittsburgh, St Louis, or Cleveland?

My guess is Paul Ryan btw.

I think you mean Serious Thinker Paul Ryan.

I’m glad the house is coming back, but I’m pretty sure they’re just going to do the same ol washington generals shit and hold some lame hearings nobody watches. As Cuse said before its about the messaging.

Hopefully they have the vets that can’t get medicine testify, old grandma’s not getting their SS checks, birthday cards. Then get them on all the talk shows/CNN/NBC etc. Have Schiff up there pushing aggressively that this is a coup and they’re trying to steal the election in broad daylight.

But they will probably have some boring ass lawyers on lawbroing it up, DeJoy will lolno the request to speak, they probably won’t even subpoena and even if they do he ignores it and they awww well we tried.

Very strongly disagree that polls like that are good. We can’t have a completely fucked election result that is within the margin of error of recent polls.

If the polls leading up to the election say Biden +4 and the results turn out to be Biden +1 with Trump EC victory, everyone is just going to accept that.

Going from Biden +18 is much more difficult.

I know this is a double-edged sword and we need people to be motivated, but we can’t afford to have the appearance of a close election as we get nearer to November.


This time around I’m pretty sure everyone who plans on voting is going too no matter what now. The first time people thought Trump had zero chance because of polling and media, I doubt anyone is thinking that now after he won despite similar polling. Last time around I knew a TON of people who didn’t bother to vote because they thought Trump had no chance, right now I know zero. Everyone is voting because fuck Trump, aside from like a small handful of burn it all down both sides people who didn’t vote in 2016 either but thats in CA, hopefully thats different in swing states.

I’m not too worried about people looking at the polling and thinking Trump can’t win and not bothering to vote

Random pet peeve is this constant Washington Generals analogy tilts me hard because it implies the GOP is the Harlem Globetrotters. They are not, they’re completely incompetent and couldn’t govern a 5 ton rock staying in the same place every day. Their only virtues are cheating and obstructing. When allowed to take the car out for a drive they crash it through the closed garage door on the way out and land in the across the street neighbor’s living room while totaling the car.

The fossilized Democratic leadership is good at playing by the norms and posturing without doing anything to make it seem like they’re taking the high road. They absolutely can govern when given the levers, but like to act like they’re governing when they have no power. That’s why people here get so mad at them. People think they actually have power because they act like they do when they don’t.

The Dems strategy is throwing endless junk pitches while the GOP strategy is beaning every batter. Neither are good at their strategy but it’s much easier to score a lot off of junk pitches, especially when the GOP beanball pitchers rarely ever hit a batter (they just hit the fans killing them) and accidentally throw strikes against a team that can’t hit.


New 5 second Biden ad idea. Someone with video shooting/editing skills want to make this? I legit may try to myself.

(A man flashes on screen)
(A woman flashes on screen)
(A lot of people flash on screen, either as a large group or rapidly flipping through people)
(Flash to blue with "VOTE)
(Change text to “Biden”)

/end scene

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When the biggest outlier poll for while shows Biden winning by only 4 points, the polling is still pretty good. Here’s a Post-ABC poll that just dropped today showing him +12:



Also this one:

The GOP is fantastic at motivating their base to turnout. They routinely beat dems at messaging. Like the blame on no bill passing for unemployment. Its 40% dems fault, 39% trumps fault, 17% both sides. When it should be 55-60% trumps fault if dems were doing their job on messaging.

You dont need power to message well.



Again, my point stands that the Dems aren’t the Washington Generals and the GOP is definitely not the Harlem Globetrotters.

It’s far easier to message a lie than a complicated truth aka cheating. They’re good at conning dumb people, kool I guess?

Yeah you do. The party in power always gets more coverage, because what they have to say is more relevant.

Everyone decided to ignore this years ago.

This is a fair point. That poll is an outlier that over-represents white people. Their “swing state” analysis is a random sampling of 15 states, 10 of which went for Trump in 2016.

Biden is still up 8.4% in the 538 polling average, including this reputable poll that dropped this morning:


If the polling says Biden wins in a landslide there will certainly be people who won’t bother standing in line for hours risking to catch CoViD.

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Senior advisors talking about how Biden is a deficit hawk, won’t get rid of the filibuster, and beliefs that McConnel will work in good faith with the new presidency. Yeah definitely not the Washington generals lol