Nice, first day of the Republican National Convention. So Fox News and OANN will be wall to wall RNC coverage and every other network will be this.

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I got a reply from an email I sent to Mike Lee. I checked my BP after reading this shit: 107/64. Try harder, Senator Lee.

My draft response:

Dear Senator Lee,

Your response is appreciated but I do not agree with the following:

Recent headlines have focused on cost cutting measures taken by the Trump administration to reform the Postal Service. In order to fulfill our Constitutional mandate, Congress must also work to address the long-term fiscal sustainability of the U.S. Postal Service and its operations.

The fiscal health of the USPS would not be in question except for unique pension funding obligations that were placed on it by Congress.

Any moving of sorting machines or mailboxes under the current administration is a completely normal function of resource allocation meant to meet changing postal flows.

How do you know this, Senator? News reports claim sorting machines are not just being removed but are being destroyed. President Trump has said he opposes additional funding for USPS because he wants to impede the processing of mail-in ballots in the upcoming general election. Postmaster General DeJoy will be testifying before the House of Representatives next week on this matter. I will be following that hearing with interest. I hope you will do the same.

Another reputable poll that dropped:


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:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Fuck polls now. Undecided and unmotivated voters are morons. Nothing matters until about 3 weeks before the election (when Putin stages his false-flag terrorist attack). And no those people aren’t early voting.

What committee is this? Did the Dem leadership pack all the reps who aren’t useless fucks onto the single most useless, unimportant, and powerless committee in Congress, and now, plot twist, that committee’s job is to save democracy?


Oversight and Reform

I think this committee doesn’t get to direct much if any money and is therefore not sought after and ends up full of the most junior members.


Heh, yup, sounds about right. So now our cast of young, plucky, likeable misfits who had been sitting around in detention are tasked with saving the world. Good job, writers.


Make one of the senators a shaggy dog and the president Wallace Shawn and this would be a great 80’s live-action Disney movie.


The one yesterday was August 12-14, the one today was august 14-15. Also the 50-41 was all respondents, 49-38 was registered voters. 538 updated the polling averages to reflect that.

The writers stepping up their game for the penultimate episode.

Onion onion onion.

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i just posted it to show the CNN was a big outlier.


Instead, Carville advises Democrats to follow the 2018 playbook and focus on the issues and the voters.

‘To put it in football terms, let’s run that play again. We just scored an 80-yard touchdown. Let’s go back and try it again.’

No doubt, Carville’s advice has been transmitted to the highest levels of the Democratic party. He tells me that he plans to watch tonight, texting and calling people, ‘going back and forth’.

But ultimately, despite the virtual balloon-drop and the four-day bender, Carville wonders what it all means: ‘If there’s one huge story of this cycle going into the virtual convention, that is it’s staggeringly stable. I’m just wondering if, in the end, it’s gonna matter.’

LOL, I know it wasn’t him, but this made me chuckle



I’m going to call my Congressman’s office again and basically say, “I’m glad you guys are having these hearings, and congrats on timing them perfectly to go up against the GOP convention. Now make sure DeJoy actually answers questions, use subpoena power and inherent contempt if you have to, make sure there’s action taken, and most of all remember that given the timeline we’re on, having a coherent message as a party and hammering the airwaves with it is as important as anything else.”

No, it implies that the Democratic Party is run by professional losers. Whether they’re incompetent or complicit varies from subject to subject and is open for interpretation. I don’t think they’re intentionally complicit vis a vis Trump, I just think they have too much faith in our institutions and the voting population. They’re definitely complicit in shutting down progressive agendas and protecting the wealthy, though.

This is a cop out. Messaging is messaging. Simplify the complicated truths. Tug at people’s emotions. Provoke hope, outrage, fear, love, or hatred. There is no complicated truth that cannot be boiled down to a simple winning message. The Dems just misjudge their audience. They message for people like us or Rachel Maddow, instead of aiming for the entire voting public.

What were you watching? Could it have been a national ad buy?


Look at that 269 v 269 dropping Florida Man’s chances to 27.

When you add in the cheating what is it? 40/60 Biden? 50/50? Even if 27% is accurate, 27% chance of the end of our democracy is fucking terrifying.


Yeah but he almost certainly wins it in the House, so it’s really 28.