I’m pretty sure that’s an affluent Dallas suburb.

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This kind of confidence makes me nervous.

Well, we thought that in 2016.

i wonder just how unbelievable it will be for right wing kool-aid drinkers if they get blown out


They’re going to say it’s rigged no matter what. If it’s close, it’s proof we rigged it to be believable. If we take Texas and Georgia well it has to be rigged, so that’s proof too.


they’ll say it’s rigged even if he wins



Think I saw in some access journalism piece that Trump just legit thinks Joe is a bumbling idiot and would be embarrassed to lose to him, more so than Hillary or Obama.

Trump doesn’t get that he won because of his dumb white guy appeal too… so getting hoisted by his own petard.

I guess this makes some sense since Trump lives in a right wing echo chamber of bullshit.


Fucker is going to say California was rigged even if he wins

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I mean I can see it, Joe has never been anywhere close to the sharpest tool in the shed whereas Obama and Hillary are both top top. What Joe excels at is giving a damn about other people, and Trump doesn’t respect that.


that’s a cool story. still think he could have ordered uber eats for all of them.

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Kennedy Nixon was a virtual debate.

is that why trump won’t do it because nixon didn’t win that time?

Denton County is north of Dallas. I don’t think it is super affluent but Denton is basically a college town with the University of North Texas there.

I consider this good news.


What I have seen so far are Dallas, Houston and Austin are going well.

Have no idea about Fort Worth, San Antonio, El Paso.

I THINK all of them are blue but Fort Worth, but not really sure about San Antonio. If anyone has a party demographic map of Texas I would like to see it. I am really curious about party affiliation for the smaller cities and rural areas.


Looking at past results Denton is red, but progressively less so. Cruz beat Beto by less than Trump beat Clinton. Trump beat Clinton by less than Romney beat Obama.

Through those elections:
Dems went 80k > 111k > 135k.
Reps went 158k >171k > 159k

Turnout for 2018 was roughly similar to 2016.

I just have a hard time believing there are actual undecideds left at this point. A key point that I didn’t think of though is that I will be able to help people learn to vote early which seems super beneficial.

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I mean the fact that Biden jumped up like 6 points after the debates and Covid when nobody thought there were undecideds already show that isn’t true, and those morons could easily flock right back for some dumb reason like Trumps recovery.

If you watched the primaries coverage you would understand how dumb voters are, how little they really know, how they basically don’t follow politics, and how their votes are based off one or two super random things.


For example, I am certain there are tons of people out there that barely follow politics, have a general sense that Donnie Dumb Dumb is a huge asshole, but think that they need to vote for him because Facebook says Trump will protect coverage for people with preexisting conditions. Just insane stuff like that where you think “there’s no way people are falling for his BS at this point!” But then you talk to one and see the confused look in their eye when you state an obvious fact …