Seems like we should just go to a shitpile of polling locations and purple ink to mark who voted.


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This was only for Sec of State, but it is the most recent statewide runoff in GA. First election was Nov 2018, second one was Dec 2018.

edit: i meant to post this in the Senate thread. whoops

wow, I expected Ohio red here. Had to look it up, a bunch of polls are red on 538 but the ones RCP took for their average are the blue ones.

fwiw, I have GA blue, Ohio red. weird times we’re in.

Doubtful. What party do you think he thinks he can get the nomination from?


Na, it’s more like the Detroit robocalls from that dipshit. They were mainly trolling the libs and forgot that some forms of trolling are felonies.

This is where law and not loose language or rhetoric becomes relevant. Some forms of what some people call ballot harvesting are legal in CA. This does not mean that anything that can be characterized as ballot harvesting is legal.


The post-Trump GOP or the holy fuck we better shift right to beat Trump in 2024 Democratic Party.

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I don’t know if Mitt wins the republican primary in Utah after going against trump on impeachment.

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I have no evidence to back this up but my guess is Utahans love Romney WAY more than Trump.


I don’t have a clue as to what Mitt is trying to do here but I don’t think Trumpism is going to be defeated at all if he loses bigly. The fact that he won at all will constantly be brought up. I seriously see every 2024 candidate refer to him as the 2nd coming of Reagan who only lost because of the MAIL IN BALLOT FRAUD due to the china virus. Also he did nothing wrong with it, and the globalists, and Hillary, and Obama, and etc etc.

How is this situation really any different from the infamous 2012 “we have to stop being the party of stupid” post mortem letter? Are they going to pay attention this time?

I don’t see Trump being “GWBed” out of the party at all. If anything, I see him as the nominee in 2024…


The GOP could look very different in four years if Trump gets smoked. Lots of Never Trumpers could return.

so it could look very much the same as if trmp never happened?

yeah, i don’t trust george conway/rick wilson/brett stephens… with just about anything.

just as i’m typing this, reports come that scotus allowed trmp to shut down the census. waaf.

This is pretty incredible.



New polls from Ipsos

He’s trying to shape his “legacy” whatever that means. I doubt he thinks he can get a major party nomination ever again. He’s not stupid.

True, but they’re Utahns.


Feels like I’ve seen a lot of closer state polls today. :grimacing:

Yup. It’s definitely getting tighter between now and election day. I think we end up at Biden +7 average or so which is still a win if it holds. It won’t be a Senate landslide though which is problematic.

Going through a text bank lesson with the wife. Probably futile at this point, but seems like the least I can do.


This might actually need to get meme’d. It’s good news and supports those in this thread who think turnout might be through the roof this election:


Given that turnout in 2018 was through the roof and Trump wasn’t even on the ballot, and we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic that had killed a quarter million Americans I honestly don’t see how it’s possible turnout isn’t through the roof this election.