In my area, republicans are putting up fake ballot boxes. They just got a cease and desist from the attorney general. They’re already trying to cheat in a state where the outcome is certain - imagine the shenanigans going on in other close race states.

If every vote is counted, I think biden wins. But I still think Trump is going to win by a significant amount of the electoral vote.


i don’t get that CA play. are they trying to get more republican votes in early to keep it close? or are they trying to confuse democratic voters and surreptitiously delay their ballots? 1) seems like a minor effect, but 2) seems like a felony.

In the article I read the other day, it seemed like they were placing the boxes in places where more Republicans would vote, like GOP offices and churches that specifically gave GOP the green light. That’s why it seemed weird to me. If I was correct in my interpretation, it seems like it would only hurt them.

Basically, it looked like a ballot harvesting operation.

When’s the last time a Democrat won statewide or that Dems controlled the state legislature?

I don’t think we can call it purple with the cheat codes.

Ballot harvesting is legal in CA so maybe that’s all it is.

I’m starting to fear this again myself. The mail vs in person skew may be enough for immense shenanigans.

It’s formerly just about the reddest state in the union. It’s demographics are changing rapidly and 120 people moved to my neighborhood a day before COVID, and since the housing market stubbornly refuses to crash so I can buy discounted real estate it can’t have changed that much.

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That’s exactly what the state GOP is arguing:

I thought there were limits in California but nope, it turns out you can harvest as many ballots as you want.

And that’s exactly how you know they are lying.

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My hope is that the close GA polling + better turnout than expected will mean a Biden victory (and Ossoff and Warnock). They weight polls based on history and so there is a chance that anti-Trump enthusiasm blows that out of the water.

Heck, just people voting early instead of on Election Day because they are worried about issues from prior election or trump/Perdue trying to do bad stuff or just want to avoid long Election Day lines in pandemic could mean a Biden victory if it lowers the standard GA voter suppression (which cost Abrams last time).


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It’s not illegal to collect ballots in california, but i’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s massively illegal to put out ballot boxes that are pretending to be official.

These guys are shameless. The hivemind screeching in 2018 over ballot harvesting is still continuing to this day. And then they turn around and do this - it’s just so, so classic republican. Accuse the opponents of doing what you’re actually doing.

I genuinely wish illness on all of them.


And I was pretty involved in 2018 midterms - “ballot harvesting” consisted of us offering to take someone’s already-filled-in ballot and turn it in for them if they didn’t have the time or the inclination. In the republican’s minds, this equated to roaming mobs of libtards stealing ballots out of mailboxes and forging tens of thousands of votes that wouldn’t have been cast otherwise. I have seen absolutely zero evidence of anything remotely like this happening in California from Democrats. The law states you can turn in a ballot if it’s not yours, and dems, being the obedient little rule followers that they are, did exactly that, within the spirit of the law as well.

Not sure whether or not “ballot harvesting” is wrong, but Lulzi by god is taking a stand against Voter Harvesting. Why won’t more in Congress stand with her?


There have been reports in my area of ballots from these boxes being strewn all over the street. I’m not sure if it’s a well intentioned samaritan lashing out at shenanigans, or if the original intent was for these ballots to just disappear. I’m not sure the exact angle actually, I just know it’s shenanigans and they’re going to do it everywhere if they’re doing it here.

Thank god some of the swingier states elected Democrat governors.

The New York Times put together a breakdown of how states process absentee ballots, and the good news is most of the battleground states start the process before election day. The bad news is that basically everybody waits until election day to start actually counting ballots so we’re still in for an election night sweat.


Yep and with the Covid surge it is a lock that the states which do not start counting until Election Day will not be finished until many days after. And that is how the bullshit shenanigans will happen.


Doesn’t counting the absentee ballots largely involve feeding them into machines?

Yes and also there aren’t enough of them or people to feed ballots into them.