Mitty coming in with the hot take that THE PRESIDENT calling his opponent a monster is on par with Keith Olbermann calling the president a terrorist. Well done, Mitty.


Yeah, I saw that later, so I have to eat my words that it’s silly to have FL > AZ. That seems to be the status quo. It does seem that the shift towards Biden since the pozzing has been strongest in FL in particular and in national polls, and not as strong elsewhere.

That senate seat is absolutely not irrelevant though.


Yep. Biden should be spending some time and money there just to help with that.

I assume it has to do with Biden’s boost among seniors.

The annoying outspoken leader of the Autobots.

It’s supposed to be a “heart”. Like Ohio is vaguely shaped like a heart if you stand 50 feet away and take off your glasses. So yeah, I love voting.


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I’d rather see Biden ignore Texas and funnel whatever they are spending there to states that have potential Senate flips, like Iowa, Montana, even Alaska. I know the value of a future purple Texas but without 50 Senators we’re boned anyway.

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You’re vastly underestimating the value of the Texas state government in 2020. Texas’s entire political system is rigged for one party rule (it was rigged that way by Southern Democrats back in the old days) which means that if we actually win an election that state is going to transform from the bedrock of GOP electoral college viability into something insanely hard to win back ever again.

Winning Texas is good for election night, but winning the state legislature is a much bigger deal.

Put another way if Texas is blue (and it only has two states because of the structure of state government: red or blue) I’ll instantly become a huge electoral college fan going forward. The Democratic Primary would basically be the POTUS election.


That’s a fair point and I see that they also have a Senate race, I guess I hadn’t paid attention to it.

It’s not like AZ is short on retirees and snowbirds.

Florida is about 20.5% 65+ (2nd), Arizona is 17.5% (12th).

Since they turn out at higher rates, they probably disproportionately impact the electorate.

can you explain more details about the TX state govt?

It’s not that complicated. Rules make gerrymandering easy and encouraged, plus the executive branch of the state government is intentionally very weak.

The ruling party gets to set the rules basically.

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Yeah but Democrats won’t use the power to suppress Republican votes so it’s asymmetrical.

It’s always asymmetrical against Democrats. We root for a party run by intellectuals who are also morons.

If they lose all the cheats get disabled. It would already be a blue state without them.

Economically texas has more in common with blue states than red ones. Once the politics mirror that it’s gg until the next big shift.

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Making it a fair fight under Dem rule. Once Republicans win, they’ll reinstate all the cheating.

It’s asymmetrical because Dem leadership wants to live in the West Wing and be bipartisan, but the GOP wants to eat their faces.

Purple, maybe.

It’s a purple state right now with every single cheat enabled.

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