What a bold prediction. She must be the seeress of her tribe.




And they took a combined 10 million hours to do it.


According to my figures, that’s about 566,000 votes cast in Georgia so far. The total number was 4.1 million in 2016. Nice pace so far.

(the number is probably closer to 600,000, as I’m guessing the SOS’s announcement doesn’t count absentee)


That WaPo article is making me hopeful.

While Trump is holding the vast majority of his 2016 supporters ­— 92 percent, according to the Pew survey — there has been some bleeding at the margins that he can ill afford. Independents, in particular, show signs of defecting: Trump won the group by four points in 2016, exit polls show, but Biden has a 12-point advantage with them this year, The Washington Post-ABC News survey found.

Trump’s willingness to lie, to attack opponents and to ignore facts amid a crisis, she said, have left her disenchanted. The president’s own experience after contracting a potentially fatal virus — the severity of which he has continued to play down — has especially irked her.

“I dislike him even more today than I did a week ago because of his behavior with this covid,” she said.

In addition to voters who have had a change of heart, Biden is outperforming Trump among new voters. Pew shows the Democrat with a 54-to-38 margin among those who didn’t cast a ballot in 2016.

Uglehus, a 21-year-old senior at the University of North Carolina at Asheville from Cornelius, N.C., has never voted before but decided after watching the first presidential debate to register and cast a ballot for Biden. Or, as he says, “for not Trump.”

Trump’s frequent interruptions and bullying during the debate helped cement his decision, he said. So did Trump’s failure to condemn white supremacy and the Proud Boys, a right-wing extremist group he told to “stand back and stand by.”

“That was just wild to me,” Uglehus said. “I definitely feel like people are just blindly following him. They really enjoy the hate.”

This Uglehus kid is going places. A keen political observer in the making.


Didn’t read this conversation, but spotted this and had to give it a heart.

Anecdotally, my hairstylist, who is a conservative but not weirdo far right QAnon type, expressed her dissatisfaction with Trump to me today. I was speechless for a good 30 seconds while processing this. The last time we spoke (in May) she was all in for Trump.

She said his behavior at the debate was completely childish, and he didn’t seem to learn anything from having COVID. She is worried about what will happen if he wins. I mean, she’s also never voting for Biden, and is probably still a Trump voter, but she doesn’t like it. If she’s shook, I can imagine people with a little less conviction are jumping ship.

She also told me she wished Pete was still in the race because she could see herself voting for him…but I’m not sure if she wasn’t just saying that to make me feel better.


wait, she’s worried about what will happen if Trump wins but is probably voting for him? huh?

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Well, she can’t vote for a Dem! (lol, I’m not saying these people make any sense)

In even better news for me, she absolutely despises Darrell Issa (she actually almost spat when she said his name) so she’s leaving the congressional race blank.

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lol i get people saying they dont like trump but will vote cuz they like stocks etc, i get how people can say that, but im not sure how you can say you’re worried about what he will do and then vote for him, lets hope she just doesnt vote for prez, although I guess in Cali it doesnt matter.

I feel like all the protests in ATL this summer could increase turnout. If you are gonna go out and protest hopefully you’ll also take the smaller step of voting.

57 point swing for white males having a college degree! No wonder they hate those librul brain-washing colleges.

His name literally means Owl House in Norwegian. Which seemed very relevant for you guys to know about.


USC tracking with another slight Biden bounce, new record high for him. Morning Consult more “meh”

I’ll take those MC results: solid leads in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, as well as leads in Florida, NC and Arizona.

Yeah MI, WI, PA, NC, and FL consistently outside MOE is big even if it’s not the flashiest numbers we’ve seen.

Current 270towin no toss ups polling map


New Florida Atlantic University poll (B/C rating from 538) shows Biden 51, Trump 47 in FL


Tuesday early voting wait times (in minutes) in Cobb County, GA (ATL suburb).

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