What the fuck 360.

If Democrats somehow get the Pres/House/Senate trifecta, the absolute first order of business is fixing this shit.


And then SCOTUS can strike down their fixes.

They can’t even do it. The courts will rule against even bipartisan-supported voters’ rights bills as they did in Shelby.

Court packing is as essential as the others. Look at the absurd ruling in TX this morning.

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“Christians don’t need Trump to save them.”

This is a good ad that will play well with certain voters.

The second order of business is packing the court.

Biden up to 87% on 538. I know minor point totals are irrelevant but they make me happy.


New Investor’s Business Daily poll (A/B rating from 538) shows Biden with 9 point national lead


In 2016, almost all presidential election polls pointed to a Hillary Clinton victory over Donald Trump. The IBD/TIPP Poll was one of only two election polls credited with predicting President Trump’s 2016 victory. TIPP, IBD’s polling partner, succeeded in picking up on the greater enthusiasm among Republicans for their candidate.

Yet the latest IBD/TIPP Trump vs. Biden poll has a few stark contrasts with the Trump vs. Clinton race. Most obviously, a majority of likely voters back Biden (51%). Yet Clinton’s support topped out around 45% in IBD/TIPP presidential election polls in the final weeks of the 2016 race.

Further, Biden’s 15-point lead among independents in the latest IBD/TIPP 2020 election poll is a big turnaround from 2016. Trump carried independents 43%-42% in 2016, according to a postelection Pew Research survey of verified voters.

Up to a 6 hour wait to vote lmaooo jfc

I do have a feeling its a bit futile, the people with strong Christian identity are getting regular reminders in Facebook that Democrats personally hack fully grown babies out of wombs and eat them. But sure, if it even diminishes his turnout a little that helps. Death by a thousand cuts.

Just voted in person in Ohio
Fuck Donald Trump.


“owning the libs” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> “worried about what will happen if Trump wins”


He’s been trying to get people to take Biden for fairly large stakes.

There are Christians open to being persuaded. A guy that I grew up going to church with and who is now a pastor at a college church in Texas posted this the other week.




I would argue that there is a difference in between Christians and “Christians”. Most American practicioners are “Christians”. Anyone actually trying to follow the teachings of Christ would not be able to vote for Trump let alone openly support him. It’s hard to imagine a more opposite character (fictional or otherwise) from Trump than Jesus.


Absolutely not.


I am struggling to convert that sticker to English.

“I Ohio Voting”?

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The one ballot drop box per county implemented by Abbott is as naked an aggression on voting as anything else. It is not even slightly defensible in any way.

Harris County was fine having twelve drop boxes and managing them.


MC numbers don’t look bad on net, but they look a bit dart-throwy. Florida for Biden more than Arizona? Stronger in MI and WI than MN, and PA stronger than the lot of them? Trump doing better in OH than TX? They’re a big outlier on SC, too. With the sample size they have, they must be an online pollster, ya? So they’re going to have a harder time getting a representative sample.