He’s close, should say something like, they might just need a little help to get ahead sometimes and i want to offer that help.



I’m pretty damn SHOOK by that MI Senate poll.


i like it. optimism is a really bad look for me. i did one week of that and this is much more comfortable. waaf.


The MI senate polls have been this close the whole time. He’s not going to lose if Biden carries Michigan. People need to relax.

Arguing that restrictions against speech are fine by (checks notes) referring to systemic racism, systemic sexism, and abuses of power in earlier decades is a really bad argument. We can be just like the mccarthy-ites is the position you’re really going to take?


The 538 model now considers a Biden win by 16 points to be more likely than a Trump win.


He just means that they want help so they can keep contributing to society and not be, like, unemployed and homeless.

Most places in Europe have had speech restrictions since ww2. Do you think Germany has a worse way of handling nazism?

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Then make that argument. I’d still disagree, but at least not obviously bad. That was would be like arguing for speech restrictions in germany because the nazis did it.

Sure I guess a tweet like that in normal times makes sense but with the context of a pandemic it seems dumb. Right now a lot of people want handouts but either way payments from the government which we fund aren’t a “handout” and even if they were, a pandemic with record unemployment, evictions ramping up in parts of the country, and businesses closing for good is the best possible reason for a “handout.” Right wing framing of issues like this is pretty annoying


I don’t think they’re wrong there either, see: charlottesville or Oregon. When protestors go missing it isn’t free speech anymore.

I’m completely lost as to what you’re trying to say. I’m commenting on how bad it is to use historical abuses of power to argue for restrictions on speech. Stating that violence isn’t free speech isn’t relevant to that whatsoever.

It hasn’t been violent protestors being abducted by unmarked agents.

He’s not talking about nazi gernmay’s historical abuse of freedom of speech. Modern-day Germany has significant free speech infringements vis a vis nazi Germany. Holocaust denial, for example, is a crime in Germany. I think few here would argue that modern day Germany is somehow less free or enlightened than the US.

I know exactly that’s what he’s referring to. My point is that pointing to historical abuses of power in the USA as a reason to restrict speech would be like arguing for free speech restrictions in modern day Germany using nazism as a reason why. It’s obviously absurd. Instead, it would make sense to point out positive reasons why it would be better, which is what you’re doing here.

And to add to this, Germany being able to reckon with its past while the USA not being able to with theirs significantly hampers the ability to seriously stop this kind of thing happening again.

And Barry Bonds is the best baseball player of all time. I’m not sure how that’s relevant at all.


In USA #1 the government doesnt/shouldn’t police speech through laws, they should just tell people whose speech they dont like to kill themselves. So much better!

I’ve really tried to follow what you’re attempting to say, and I just don’t get it.