Did Gary Peters eat a puppy on live TV or something?


Is there any plausible explanation for why the Michigan Senate race would diverge so much from the Presidential? If not, then I think based on priors that this is more likely than not to be an outlier.

It tells you the news media is in the news business instead of the D propaganda business.

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This is why I will never believe GA is in play


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Peters has been lagging Biden.

I’m guessing it’s a small amount of ticket splitting (Trump at 40, James at 42) and some name recognition issues from undecideds/new voters, as there are more in this poll.

Those people are all going to vote.


Gary Peters and John James has to be the most boring name combination in electoral history.


I mean I’d say they’re in the money making business instead of the news business but sure.

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you think reporting on the republicans stopping democratic processes is not news? also lol thinking they are in the news business, their goal is to make money and get engagement

That’s a 5 point improvement in WI since last month, and their first poll of MI. Not bad at all.

They reported on it when there was something worth talking about, but you I can’t spell “news” without “new”. Repeating the poor governance of the Rs “daily” with nothing new to add isn’t news.

fucking peters +1?? fuck, man, wtf

james lost by like 8 points against an old white lady 2 years ago what is happening

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that having some of these judicial vacancies for a long time creates news events weekly for the people that have to go thru the courts for anything. Like leaving it vacant isn’t a single news event, if the seat needs to be filled then we must need the judge for something. Like we have diner excursions to talk to Trump supporters constantly which isn’t news in the slightest but quotes from idiots gets catchy headlines and clicks

It’s just weird framing that as “democratic propaganda” and saying that the reason they don’t report it is because they are in the “news” business lol

That Wisconsin poll knocked PA back into the tipping point state.

James is an interesting candidate. Young, black, military. He’s a good R candidate to run in Michigan and Peters is… well I don’t really know fuck all about him. I’m worried.

Meh, it’s an outlier. If Peters is losing, we weren’t taking the senate anyway.

News story from last Friday: ICU bed capacity at local hospitals as hospitalizations skyrocket in ND. From the article it looks like they’ve got ICU capacity for now but from the hospitals they talked to it sounds like the entire state has ~300 ICU beds.

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R’s have been running a shit ton of ads in that race and James actually has better name recognition from losing last time than Peters does. There definitely is some ticket splitting–James is black/military/etc.

Also, there’s some people just voting orange man bad and that’s it.

and the people who scream the loudest on the internet both left/right has hard insisted dems are evil so here we are having to sweat a senate race in a state dems expect to win decently comfortably.

Joe’s speaking on CNN atm… Pretty good speech so far tbh

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eh, if there’s an upset senate race vs the overall trendline, I think it’s this one.