I saw a few Trump ads where they had a black guy talk about how awesome Trump is for blacks.

Was in D/FW.

That’s an interesting strategy. I don’t think they’re going to flip many black voters and they could also piss off some of their own base.

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Trump also has:

Mike Pompeo
Ben Carson
Betsy DeVos
Larry Kudow
Kayleieiegh McEnany
Dan Scavino
Dan Quayle
Nikki Haley
Edwin Meese (Alive?)
Jeff Sessions (wat)
Steve Bannon
Claudia Conway’s horrible mom
Ronny “Quack” Jackson
Karl Rove (this leans me towards trump)
Fat Sarah
Sean Spicer
Ted Cruz
Lindsey Graham
Chuck Grassley
Mitch McConnell
John Cornyn
Tom Cotton
Jim Inhofe
Rand Paul
Marco Rubio
Orrin Hatch
Dan Crenshaw
Matt Gaetz
Jim Jordan
Devin Nunes
Greg Pence (I didn’t know pence had brother in house)
Michelle Bachmann
Newt Gingrich
Pete Sessions
Greg Abbott
Ron DeSantis
Brian Kemp
Mike Huckabee
Scott Walker

I lost steam at that point. This is only a sampling of his totally partisan endorsements. I might argue each individual above is as bad or worse than the Taliban.


(20 years in prison with 20 years probation)

I was thinking the exact same thing. Feel like it is a net negative.


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Every few days I realize tens of millions of people are going to vote for Donald fucking Trump. It is absolutely incomprehensible to me.


This fact is a greater threat than Covid and deserves more resources to study and understand to the absolute bottom level. Not just in general, but what is the exact effect of racism, ignorance, religion, Fox/Sinclair, poor life situation, etc., how they flourish, and what can be done. Political science is in its adolescence and we need some general theory of stupidity and how it can be ameliorated as a widespread social phenomenon.

Academia is so focused on empirical bullshit when what’s really needed is more theory.


The lesson here is the frailty of human psychology and the severely detrimental impact of unregulated social media.

And Facebook Facebook Facebook. Social media is a society wide addictions problem that is being misdiagnosed and untreated.


There hasn’t been one poll under +15 points for Joe in NJ. One.

Even Menendez still won by over 10 in 18 when nobody even remotely actually wanted to vote for him.

I’m in awe of this being a small town midwesterner who’s met a bunch of people exactly like him.

Rest are just pull the lever for R’s no matter what.


I don’t know about this.

Reminds me of Hillary trying to win Georgia.

I’d be perfectly fine if he just goes HAM on PA, WI, MI, FL. Going after TX is a donk move and exactly the type of overconfident shit he should be avoiding.

EDIT: Misread it and now realize that it’s Jill that’s going. I guess that’s fine.


Reminds me more of Obama making some moves in Indiana.

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Trump is literally using an (edited) clip of Fauci praising him as part of a campaign video while still shitting on him in public, it’s just incredible

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Wait a minute, y’all blaming social media for this?

regarding the concern jill is going to TX–nobody is showing up to see anyone named biden even in states that matter. Just look around at the pictures, there’s nobody there.

part of this is joe isn’t charismatic, part of it is the dem party is divided, part of this is the fact nobody’s really undecided, and the rest is dems don’t want to catch covid. so it’s not any sort of surprise.


it only uses primary votes from NH. Trump won 85% of the NH primary as mostly unopposed incumbent while Biden did much worse against Bernie, thus this model says Trump wins in landslide lolololol


yes the norput model is a stupid primary only model that is so absurd you just laugh at it.

It’s a model of predicting the more popular person won OR the incumbent won.

RED NEW YORK lololol