Kinda looks like Cunningham might be toast. Apparently it wasn’t just texting.

I’m just going to say

told y’all so

Catch me up?

If trump does end up being totally fine and starts pushing hard on clean stimulus bill I could see the race getting back to Biden only being like +10. Still great but still in range of rigging.

Just coming down from my high yesterday.

He’s getting drip drip dripped. Last week he was caught sexting with a woman who was not his wife. This week it’s that he apparently did have an affair.

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With a different woman (mistress #1). Since 2012. And she is pissed about the sexting with potential mistress #2.

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locker room talk

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Sorry for not just googling this, but is there early voting there?

Yes, nearly 400,000 mail-in-ballots received so far

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Obviously the whole affair thing is shitty and really bad for him, but it’s so infuriating every time it is a Dem because nothing happens to the party of family values assholes that get caught cheating.

Why can’t these selfish pricks keep it in their pants? If you are a Dem politician you have to know this shit will get you at some point.

“My opponent wants to talk about my personal life because he, like President Trump, has no plan to deal with the pandemic or provide quality affordable health care to everyone. His pearl clutching is especially rich given his lockstep support of this President. Gossip doesn’t help the people of North Carolina. I look forward to the people of this state voting on the issues on November 3rd.”


The Democrats really, really, really need to figure out how to normalize not caring about stuff like this sexting/affair thing in NC. It’s hard enough to find talented people to run for office without adding filters that apparently don’t even matter to conservative Christians.

I don’t cheat on my wife, but if I did I feel like that wouldn’t be considered the business of any of my business associates. I think we can allow politicians off the hook for having messy personal lives as long as everything remains very firmly consensual and doesn’t involve lobbyists.

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Yeah something like a third to a half of people cheat on their spouse. Every workplace in America has people that cheat. I personally find it disgusting but it is absurd to think its disqualifying for politicians. In a year where Lady G is ordering up gay hookers like we order pizza, to be sunk by something like this is absurd


It’s wild that WV was reliably Democratic not that long ago.

I’m starting to think there may be some double standards in America.


Change of subject: You know how I tend to post long multi paragraph rants about how bad Democrats are at messaging?

This time is going a good bit better. Outsourcing negative advertising to a group of amoral ghouls like the Lincoln Project is probably the fastest way to get the grime aspect of the parties game to parity with the GOP, so I’m all in favor of that.

But beyond that I think they’re fully zeroed in now. They VERY clearly realize that their candidate is a genuinely decent human being who authentically radiates that everywhere he goes. (This is not saying that he hasn’t used that to do some dark stuff at times in his career, but I think that’s generally been in pursuit of his primary ideological motivation which is to be the median Democratic politician on every position)

So because of that they are just pounding the ‘Biden is a decent human being who cares about other people and Trump has NPD’ contrast as hard as they can. I think that message is crushing, and not having that option for HRC (who, I think it’s fair to say, could not pull this off) is probably a decent bit of why we lost in 2016.

For the record I absolutely couldn’t do this either if I were Trumps opponent right now. I’ve got way too much nasty in me to be able to seem that clean. Even when I’m doing the right thing I feel compelled to show my hands to everyone so they can see my fingers aren’t dirty.

There is so much research about signature matching being complete pseudoscience.


I had a potential job try to use handwriting analysis as a personality test. I did not get the job. My handwriting definitely makes me look dumber than a 5th grader.

I am actually absurdly grateful I didn’t get that job.