It could be that standing looks more presidential than sitting, and given Biden’s age it’s good to make her appear as presidential as possible. Especially since he’s currently trying to fade that exposure to COVID.

He’s also a robot and she’s lively, and that contrast is more apparent when standing.

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538 gives Trump an 18% shot at PA, and Biden a 27% shot at Texas. We have a better shot at turning Texas blue then Trump does of winning his easiest necessary swing state.




In the short term this is super bad for Trump.

That said if Biden is absolutely crushing olds like this shouldn’t his lead be even larger? What does this mean for the demographics shift we’ve all been hoping for? Did trumpism pick up a fuck ton of 40-65 year old voters between 2016-2020?

Idk his lead is pretty damn big. It almost requires an explanation like ‘holy shit we just won old white people conclusively’.


minus stop it.


As a huge Bernie stand I’m already willing to admit I was wrong ( @simplicitus take note ) It’s clear to me Biden was the best choice to beat Trump because this is a race that would come down to Michigan, PA, and WI and the only way to win those states was winning white middle aged, middle class suburban whites. and young people were never going to come out in the numbers we needed them too. I don’t think we were ever going to get enough working class whites from Trump to win, they’re too dumb, too racist, and they fucking love Trump.

I don’t know what that means for our movement, I think it wins eventually assuming we fade fascism but will probably take longer than most of us hoped. We’re still gaining a lot of momentum because Bernie did get a lot of votes.


seems like it (but how???):


Maybe. With a sufficiently large margin of victory and a Democratic establishment worried about aoc style primary challengers we might get a lot more out of the next four years than most of us thought possible.


Damn 50-65 being so close sucks. Maybe we won’t be in as great as shape as we expected once the older generation starts dying off in large numbers if 50-64 is so close during the most incompetent president in our history. A smart Trumper would still make it super close once the older olds die off.

If it wasn’t for Covid Trump is a huge favorite to win and thats terrifying.

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£106M matched so far on Betfair. Trump’s P dipped during his hospital stay and has since recovered a little (unlike him, possibly).


NB this market is for next president, not EC winner.

I hereby motion that we stop shitting on boomers as much and start shitting on Genxers. 50-65 is genx right?

Good news is while both overall are assholes ( obv lots of good people in each group ) there are way less asshole Genxers.

Now if we can just get those asshole millennials to vote…

Wait people are just assholes. I guess the issue with boomers was there were just so fucking many of them.

It’s young boomers plus genx

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You mean by like 16 points?


Looks like asking olds to die for the Dow played about as well as we all predicted it would back in March.


Not only are the polls significantly better now than 2016 but the odds of anything resembling the Comey letter happening to bail Trump out are very low.

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Well considering the 65+ group being the only reason Trump got elected, him losing them by such a wide margin I would expected like 20+ points and a like 35+ state blowout. Also I think besides some outliers its mostly 10 points right?

Looks like the 50-64 group is still a coinflip though which is why its not more.

The oldest gen x person is 55, apparently, so it’s mostly not us!