

This seems like a simple message



I think the negative detente may be over:


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Yikes that ad is brutal.


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Dammit. Thought I had you ponied. Technically I was first but in the Trump thread. :frowning:

So basically I’m the Secretariat overlay they put on the Belmont screen smoking your pony that beat a weak 2020 field.

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She’s looking out for him and he accepts and appreciates it.

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46% of the people polled :eyes:

It’s sweet and genuine. Aw Joe you’re going to make me like you???

Wait, Obama 2012 was that close? For some reason I remember it as Obama leading substantially but not decisively the whole way

I’ll say this… if Biden wins the 65+ demographic and we take the Senate by a decent margin I’ll admit that I was 100% wrong about him as a candidate. It’s looking more and more like the guy just played dead and coasted until the end when he went full beast mode on the guy.

I have to say that as someone whose professional life resembles this pattern in many ways I’m actually starting to really approve. It was super annoying in the primaries, but now I’m getting to experience what winning Joe style is like from his side… and I gotta say this is fucking fun. We’re barely trying. This is nuts.

I’m sorry WAAF brigade I think we’re going to take an L on this one (I know that I am at best a fringe member of your group… but I get a little bit apocalyptic myself). If you straight up think the polls are a conspiracy I guess we could still lose. The president is making a complete ass of himself and the emperor has no clothes moment is clearly happening. He’s legit scaring people.

I think something historic is about to happen. Biden was pretty confident that he wanted to take on Trump right after Trump got elected. It’s possible that someone who has weaponized decency at the extremely local level looked at Trump and saw the perfect way to obliterate him. That’s sure how this is going down.


He was the incumbent president during a massive recession. Him winning was pretty much unprecedented.

I remember people being REALLY worried after that first debate with Romney.

Have we gotten through all jokes yet about Buttigieg being the Pence stand-in for Harris debate prep?

What do people make of the Biden/Harris desire to switch the debate from sitting to standing and Pence so far saying no?





I haven’t seen this, but I wonder if Biden/Harris think he’s possibly sick and want to make him stand so he gets tired? It has nothing to do with height.

I guess asking to stand is a freeroll for Biden/Harris if they don’t care either way. If Pence refuses, it’s something up your sleeve to hit back with if they ever call Harris weak or question her physical stamina.

I have to call out/nominate Chris Christie as the biggest (heh) political loser of the past 10 years if not ever. In the early 2010s he was considered a up and comer in GOP national politics even after hugging it out with Obama after Sandy. Then everything we know happened, happened, but lets stress this one: not only did he come crawling back to lead “debate prep” to wind up getting covid, it was apparently his idea that trump should just nonstop interrupt Joe leading him to get carved up in the polls that have come out since. Amazing.


I could totally see it as a meaningless item that they threw into their demands so they could easily give it up as a “compromise” to get the increased social distancing that they really wanted.

But they’ve also supposedly done research into how female candidates are judged more on their appearance, so it could be that they think she will look more attractive standing. She is 5’2" and he is 5’10" and I’m not sure how much the height difference will affect the optics of the debate if they are standing vs sitting.

i guess this is covid related, right? like anybody 65+ must know someone who died/suffering from covid, so it’s kinda hard to tell them it affects no one and don’t be afraid.