Unless there’s something really confusing on the ballots, I can’t imagine 11% doing something so wrong that their ballots are tossed (hopefully the voters are contacted and allowed to fix the error). I can’t speak to NC, but here in Georgia, the absentee ballot instructions were quite clear. The only thing on our ballot that I could see someone messing up while following instructions is the part on the outer envelope where you sign if you assisted the voter. I could see people just auto-signing that without realizing they didn’t have to. I also doubt that would cause a ballot to get thrown out.

You sweet summer child.

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An interesting twist is that many historically red states allow you to correct errors in absentee voting because until now GOP olds have voted absentee and democrats have voted in person. But Democrats need to educate their voters to check to make sure their ballot is being counted. I assume they’re doing this, hopefully?

I should add that I do know someone who accidentally signed the part to indicate they helped the voter (themselves) fill out the ballot during the primary. They decided to just cross it out and initial it and based on the tracking, they told me the ballot was accepted.

Basically the envelope has the line for your signature and then a section in the bottom left for “Did you help the person fill this out because they are disabled? Sign here.”

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It’s funny how all of the voter suppression has affected people.

Talking to my dad last week, he told me that he and my mom delivered their absentee ballots. Since it was absentee, on theirs a witness signature is required. He said he was literally unable to start signing it. He froze. I was worried - he’s 76 and I was thinking he had some nervous disorder or something.

He told me he realized the problem was that he got so nervous that his signature would be off and the ballot would be rejected. Once he had that epiphany, he realized he was being dumb and just signed. He laughed at how stupid he was, but still, that’s where we’re at now.

I listened to something this weekend (Pod Save America maybe? Don’t @ me), and they said this organizers are telling them that this is one area in which the Dems are really struggling. Because they have really emphasized avoiding face-to-face contact cuz of COVID, it’s extremely hard to reach these people and help them correct their ballots. They don’t answer calls from unknown numbers (who does?) and a form letter sent to them probably gets ignored or procrastinated away. They are (if I remember correctly) experimenting with leaving flyers that say “Your ballot has been rejected; please call us at this number and we will walk you through the steps to make sure your vote is counted.”

Not great.


Obama 2012 was that close?

Yes, although in 2012 it was Obama that actually had an EC advantage based on the tipping point state. He could have lost the popular vote by like a point or so and still won.

Remember that jackass Von Drew from NJ who switched parties to vote to acquit Trump? Yeah, he’s not polling so well:



His Jughead crown pocket square really puts me on tilt. Worth voting him out just for that.

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I was wondering why some random ass NJ House seat was worthy of Monmouth’s robust polling. lol that guy.




People forget that Obama really didn’t pull away until late October. Mitt was doing pretty well through mid October and actually looked like he was going to win

How much less dark would our timeline be if Mitt had won?

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Yeah, especially if we’re comparing this point in time in particular, Mitt had just won the first debate pretty convincingly. It wasn’t until the 3rd debate that we got “Please proceed, governor.”

There’s some good info here.

Was that when Mitt said that Russia was the biggest threat to US security and everyone laughed?



Yeah the delta between mitt and obama (especially with no sc justices) is nowhere near as big as the yawning quality chasm between Donald and any functional adult.