I’ve got a sick feeling we might hear from another Biden accuser, legit or otherwise. Hope I’m wrong.

I totally agree. They’re going to trot something out. It could be a kid–or someone claiming this happened when he or she was a kid. This person may never have met Biden.

There is no bottom for these people. They will uncover every stone trying to find something true but if that fails they will make it up.

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Don’t see how an accuser moves the needle unless they are rock solid and super respected.

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This. One of the consequences of telling all the lies for four straight years is that lying loses effectiveness.

Honestly I’m not sold on the idea that it’s good for governments to lie about anything anymore. The reality is that every time they do it lowers public trust by quite a bit, and public trust is usually worth more than whatever edge they got by lying.

This is definitely a new thing since the internet too. There’s absolutely no reason to expect old people to have figured it out. It’s not an accident that transparency is a big thing for most younger public figures… they realize that their brand is better served by taking an L in the short run than by degrading trust.


Yeah, I don’t feel like it’d move the needle much

I sincerely hope you’re right.

I definitely don’t agree with this. Things that would take the news off Trumps hospitalization:

-Trump dying
-Biden getting COVID and/or dying
-A terrorist attack on U.S. soil
-Biden sniffing a kids hair

Our best hope is that literally nothing happens or changes between now and Nov 3rd.


Number 3 here is quite concerning. Even ignoring the possibility of a false flag (which I honestly have a hard time seeing Donnie Dumb Dumb pull off), wouldn’t this be the optimal time for a terrorist org to do anything?

I’m still hoping hes sick and fatigued up to the election and hoping that makes cheating less likely

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We’re hoping that’s Trump.


The cheating is institutional, not Trump driven.

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I mean outside of normal GOP cheating the democracy ending cheating was definitely because they had trump and his cult to back them up. Like sure he wasnt going to do anything personally but he was driving it and his following and personality made it more likely. If hes a shell of a man I feel they will be less brave.

The Biden538 has reached an all time high of 81! Working hard, thank you!


And Trump an all time low of 18. Also the USC Dornslife tracking poll has continuing inching up from +8 last week to +12 now.

I think I disagree. Pre Trump many operatives would have thought that to cheat would have required a lot of clandestine actions and the risk of a Watergate type event. Trump has demonstrated that its actually very easy to get away with cheating if you just go on TV and say “we’re doing the cheating, but its not really cheating its just smart tactics, we play to win, all these egghead dorks calling it cheating are just sore losers”.


Yeah I could see the Prouds or Bugaloos trying something and framing it on countries like Iran or Antifa.

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Small data point, but new poll of AR-2 that shows a tied race between the republican incumbent and the democratic challenger, 48-48. Romney won it by 12 and Trump by 10 in '16. In 2016 the republican incumbent (same guy) won by 22 points. In 2018, he won by 7 points.

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It’s really generous calling you guys a democracy. Jesus this stuff is nuts.


This. It could be typical racist bullshit.

are there volunteer groups that actually drive people to the polling stations?

who is in charge of the number of polling stations on election day? The governor?