Jesus Christ this is idiotic. Just secure PA and target NC and FL. Trying to win Texas is the same stupid fancy play bullshit that cost Hillary the win.

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Especially since now by the governor’s decree the only place you can legally drop off a ballot is in his actual butthole


Yeah also could swap Minnesota and Arizona and have Nebraska 2nd stay red for 268-270.

with a senate race it’s fine to spend a few dollars there, he’s got a shit ton of them anyway

I’m fine spending in states with senate races, Biden has functionally infinity money anyway



I like the aggressiveness, potential down ballot, and giving Trump more to worry about. Biden isn’t hurting for resources.

This was my initial thought too, but I’ve seen commercial breaks in PA with two Biden ads. How many more should they buy?

They also have to fight mail-in vote related lawsuits in the blue wall states, if they take Texas they take it straight up because there weren’t many mail-in votes.

The main argument against it might be that they should just start running ads for Senate candidates in places like Montana and Alaska instead.

He better hope they don’t engage in any stuffing of the ballot box.


Also it could trigger a major unforced error by Trump. If he starts spending in TX he’s just lighting very limited money on fire from a game theory perspective. That would have a higher ROI for Biden than extra ads in states that are already saturated.


in WAAF news, enough people in NC aren’t filling out their ballots right in the mail.

Greensboro is 41% black. The Dem governor doesn’t seem to be doing us much good.

It’s down from 75% thrown out.


Biden should be spending some of his money on this, making sure everyone doing mail in voting for the first time knows how to do it correctly according to their states regulations.

11% is outrageous and could cost us the election. They need to have 30 second ads on how to do it properly in each state. Have ads on youtube, pay someone old people love and have them show them how on facebook.

Why are y’all assuming they are actually voting wrong?


Lol that map isn’t happening.

There are house seats there too. He is flush with cash and there are diminishing returns to oversaturating a market.

Here’s something I don’t hear talked about much: how Biden has been trending better in absolute terms.

This election has been a referendum on Trump more than a choice between Trump and Biden. But the convention gave Biden a lasting favorability boost. Every single poll has him at 49-53. Some (not many) undecideds will end up voting Biden. If he gets 53% of the vote on November 3rd Trump is toast. Figure 2% for theirs parties and that’s an 8 point Biden win. There are no scenarios where Trump challenges for the EC if he loses by 8 points.

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*if all votes are counted.

Cheating only works when gaps are small or you have full control over the vote collection/count. If he is stuck in the hospital for another week or more then there is no way he can close the gap enough and the second part is not true in the US yet. He needs an October surprise but nothing is going to move the news from him being in the hospital.