I got that vibe directly from the video. He was out of character talking about people from around the world suffering from the virus, and none of his usual grievance popped up. Joe Biden and Democrats didn’t get mentioned once. As long as he sticks to carefully manicured videos and statements during his recovery, he can do it.

I agree if he does a rally, he’ll piss it away, but this is more about how much his campaign can wrangle him, and at least for these first few days, they’ve been doing a decent job.


At some point the media discussion is going to shift to “Can he still discharge his duties? Should the 25A be invoked? Is he actually capable of working right now?”

That’s going to crush him electorally.

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I don’t know why but I’m amused that dying is drawing live.


I’m not as certain that he’s actually getting the best possible care. I think he’s pissed an awful lot of people off. Then there’s the question of if he has any say at all in his own treatment, because god knows he’s the dumbest fuck on the planet.

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Reread what you just wrote.

Ok whatever dude, good talk.

Seriously. When in the last 4 years has he shown that he is capable of sticking with carefully manicured videos and statements?

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Yeah the Regeneron isn’t like Hydroxy. There don’t seem to be dangerous side effects, but nobody knows if it actually works.

I mean he isn’t tweeting a bunch of crazy shit which he’s done constantly through 4 years as well.

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True. You think he’s going to keep that up for another 4 weeks?

Some of you guys need to take a break and quit freaking out over everything.


I don’t know. Is that adderall story true? Is him slamming adderalls a big part of his insane rants and craziness? Is he not getting those now?

Normal Trump 100% would not be able to but who knows. Is he afraid of dying? I’m sure that especially shakes narcissists that think they’re invincible There was that report of him asking if he was going to die like his relative.

I don’t think most of us are freaking out anymore like we were post RBG death, just entertaining possibilities.

We’re in a pretty great spot right now.

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Yeah, there’s really no harm in being a little optimistic right now. We’re even still drawing live to Barrett not getting seated somehow.


When in the last four years has he been bed ridden and quarantined? When in the last four years has it been the last month of his election where he’s losing by a lot and all of his advisors are telling him he needs to change the narrative? The hubris from the party that has lost incalculable amounts to this buffoon is unbearable. Until November, assume you can lose. You already tried assuming you couldn’t in 2016. Didn’t work out too well.

Of course we can lose. Who here has said we can’t lose?

Its time for another doctor’s press conferenece.

The chances that Barrett isn’t seated this fall, while slim, are much, much larger than the chances she doesn’t get seated at all. It would take multiple covid deaths or ICU trips, not mere cases to fade her through the lame duck.


I agree 100 percent. But we’re still in better shape than we were 4 days ago, and a little optimism around here might be healthy compared to the normal WAAF sentiment that we all (me included) usually have.


The hospital video was written by his team, and edited.

Literally the first time he goes off script at all he will nuke himself. He will play the aggrieved hero and say he did everything perfect and blame China and just generally be the racist asshole he’s been for 74 years.