Biden should absolutely push for the remaining debates to be canceled at this point. Legitimate excuse and there is no need to risk anything crazy happening.

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jmoran220 on form.

I’m sure those seniors will come home to Donnie when he continues downplayng COVID after catching it himself.

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And Trump’s in the hospital dying of COVID when he needs to be plotting his coup…

OK fellas, looks like we can close the book on this one. Time to sign off until the morning after Election Day, take a big sip of coffee, then turn on the TV to get the results.


Lol, bro, I thought you had me on ignore? Lol.

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I don’t think he’s going to have to. I mean, Trump is currently in the hospital. Even under Trump’s best case health scenario he’s not debating Biden in 12 days.

Brevity is the source of the humor in these, ban jman please.

I dunno dude if Trump has to cancel a debate for health reasons he really cannot recover from that. I think they will do whatever it takes to make that debate happen.

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I recognize that this poll is probably a high watermark, but holy shit at some of these cross tabs:


Wait, Trump getting a virus he said was a hoax, as we march past 220,000 dead, is not good news for Donald Trump?


I find it super hard to believe the olds, who spend all day mainlining fox, are breaking for Biden.

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Who needs polls when you have crude stereotypes?


Haven’t Fox been more critical of Trump in recent days/weeks?

That’s the impression I’ve had from reading here.

Most olds don’t watch foxnews. Cable news is still a small segment of the overall market. Most olds maybe watch local news and spend the day playing canasta. They’re low-information. Except COVID has broken through that low information bubble.


Yeah, Fox’s highest ratings are about 5 million viewers and there are ~50 million Americans aged 65+.

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Once again: It‘s not the same 5 million people watching all the time.

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Even so, that’s 5 million viewers total, not 5 million viewers age 65+. The statement: Most of foxnews viewership is olds does not equal: Most olds watch foxnews.

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I don’t dispute this, but I’m curious of there are stats on the breakdown. They sure as hell seem to have people that watch it every day. I really don’t know.

There was an article on this a while ago, I think maybe 538? that broke down that cable news viewership (all channels) was still relatively low compared to the general population. I mean hell, I’m not even sure a large majority of 65+ people have cable, let alone watch foxnews.

Most Americans, including most olds, are very very low information. But Covid breaks through all barriers.

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Obviously I’m stereotyping but I shouldn’t be skeptical of one poll showing Trumps core base jumping ship by like 10 points?