Ohio: even more racist than Michigan, Wisconsin AND Minnesota!

without looking to confirm, MN has to be more urban than WI so they can’t be the same %

I’d also be thrilled at those FL numbers. Betting markets only have 55 or so.

Didn’t Wookie just predict that OH was more likely to go blue than many of the other battleground states?

predictit has a way better map, the state market %'s are right there on the main page, senate if you click a link. (though you can laugh hard at CA 94, this is due to a 5% withdraw fee + they take a fee on profits) It sucks but you get to bet against total morons. Like kamala harris to be VP is still 2% (you might even get 3 if you make an offer and wait) free money.

There’s also jkersting who’s had a forecast out for awhile now and he’s just a college student.

not saying I agree or disagree but I’m not interested in making my own so here you go, but I might pick a few things that aren’t quite right to me here or there on whatever is posted and point them out even though lol doesn’t matter.

god on the very front of 538, very first picture is trump winning all but 5 states and fivey fox insisting that could happen on election day.

He fucking cheated if that happened on election day.


god yes have his idiot fans give me cheap NY dem shares


Maybe he means in play for 100% dem vote.

Actual good news! But telegraphs the USPS fuckery.


If the USPS can delay delivery until November 7th, those ballots don’t count.

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Basically the equivalent of closing polling places at this point


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Who do I talk to about becoming an election monitor? Is it the UN? Surely someone has to send an international team to a failed state like the US.


The alternative address they posted is 2 miles away.

I agree with all of this. The voters having their minds made up about Trump and not changing it for any reason is overall good for Biden, because it means the status quo of more people hating Trump than liking him will continue into November. But the flip side of people not changing their minds is that Biden isn’t going to win states in the South where Trump is currently popular, no matter how bad the ‘rona gets.

Riverman is correct per 538



Murdoch press in Australia today.

The “this is bullshit” was added later… just to be clear.

Can citizens request election monitors from the UN? We should definitely be overloading that inbox if so.

Today’s glimmer of hope: my college-educated liberal friend from college who I’ve referenced several times who was mostly calm about things is now officially as panicked as I am. He lives in Texas and he said he’s calling Cornyn, Cruz and his Representative tomorrow and ripping them a new one about the USPS stuff.

So I think the “normies” are waking up.

I also may have misjudged him a bit, which I feel bad about because we’ve been really close friends for like 15 years. He got his law degree recently and he mentioned that he briefly considered doing immigration law either as a career path or pro bono on the side, but that he decided he couldn’t mentally handle losing a case because of how much he knew he’d care. He said he knows he would not be able to separate his emotions from his work if he did immigration law.

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Careful what you wish for…

Nazi rally…

My OH neighborhood has one Biden sign, one Anti-Trump sign, and no pro-Trump signs. There was at least one Trump sign in 2016, and I don’t recall if there were any Hillary signs.