Folks, don’t worry about the USPS fuckery. Senator Concerned will make sure we have free and fair elections.

I’m wondering if Trump played this USPS hand too early.

There is still enough time for people to get monthly medications and bills late to wake up even the most disengaged people. That’s why I say we need to stress these issues more than the voting when talking to trump-adjacent voters and GOP congresspeople.

Veterans not being able to get their insulin on time from the VA is more likely to engender action from them, tbh.

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Yeah I’m 100% sure he’s going too early on the really flagrant cheating. It takes a little bit of time for people to get enough real world experiences with something of this size for anyone to believe it. It’s just so big and crazy that you basically have to see it or the argument ‘they are just making this shit up’ starts to sound pretty persuasive.

When you have a check get stuck in the mail for 2-3 weeks that causes a ton of friction, or you have medication you need that doesn’t arrive on time, etc people get irate about it.

Thank god this is all happening in the smartphone era. This would be so much harder to deal with if we didn’t have live video of every fucked up thing they were doing. Seriously we’ve got them pulling mailboxes lol.

I think he’s too early, but we’re not privy to all the cheating plans. Maybe this is just the first serve.


Yes, good point.

None of us (hopefully) have anything like the background in criminality he has, and can’t begin to conceive of what he might have up his sleeve.

This is what gets me when people keep (accurately) banging on about how stupid he is, because that sort of streetwise hustler has no need for conventional intelligence.

Part of the problem here is that there are two variables with cheating: impact and reaction. Impact is how big of an impact you actually get from the cheating and reaction is how obvious it is and how big the backlash is.

Now I personally think that the Postal Service play is bad, particularly this far out. It gives the other time plenty of time to react and get their voters to show up on election day (which is what everyone ITT is already planning on doing) instead of mailing in ballots. So the impact is not all that great since there are numerous ways around it.

The reaction it’s too early to judge, but this is a pretty crazy move even for Trump. I think it’s plenty good for ratings so I think it’ll be a big story.

I hope he’s “too early” too, but, given the speed with which institutions have reacted during the Trump era, assuming that the folks opposing his moves can organize a response and effectively implement it in 3 months seems awfully generous.

Acting now seems like it gives time for some pushback, but not enough time to prevent an extremely chaotic process, which is really all Trump needs.

Also, as Michael Davis said, if more shenanigans are coming (and the almost certainly are), it’s going to take a big effort to keep the USPS story from getting washed away in the next news cycle. Heck, even without election shenanigans, if OFS leads to more Covid spikes, evictions start ramping up, and the Trump / Biden debate goes as expected (aka Gaffe a palooza 2020), the USPS isn’t going to be top of mind for a lot of people.

This might just be the appetizer.

These people have no morals at all and will stop only at the barrel of a gun, and the guys with guns aren’t coming.

Barr is willing to do anything. And he has a ton of power.

Not only too early, but, as with everything else shitty he’s tried to do, he’s said the quiet part so loud that courts won’t have a path to side with him. It’s why the first Muslim ban was overturned, it’s why the citizenship question wasn’t on the census, it’s why DACA is still in place. Roberts has told him repeatedly in his opinions that he’d be happy to side with him if there was any plausible deniability at all, but Trump is so stupid that he can’t get with the program that’s being explicitly laid out for him.


This seems like a good idea. I might donate, but need to feel safe that it isn’t a grift


The bigger he goes the faster and larger the responses. That’s why the level of backlash triggered by X date is important if you’re planning this from his teams perspective. Opening with a MASSIVE overbet is a very trump style move… but the problem with that is that it triggers things like the military deciding which side they are going to be on on election day (hint: it’s not Putin’s, and they know that if they put Biden in power their budget is safe for 4-12 years… plus they will 1000% come out smelling like roses in the history books and with the population. It’s a fucking layup.).

Yeah, I think it’s quite possible, I think I mentioned it the other day. I am worried though that once you request a mail-in ballot it’s too late and you can already do that now.

Yeah there’s no way this is the whole plan.

Like I can’t stress enough… actually degrading the post office has huge consequences. Go look at r/flipping right now. It’s basically a Biden rally in there. This shit is hurting some of them BADLY in the middle of them trying to scramble to find a way to survive in the middle of a pandemic.

There’s real suffering going on out there in the world and suffering has a way of sharpening the focus. I genuinely think Trump is going to fuck this up like he’s fucked up every other thing he’s ever touched in his entire life. This guy is not an evil genius, he’s a fucking moron in steep cognitive decline. His team is not an elite group of supervillains it’s the only people stupid enough to run toward the fireworks in Beirut instead of away from it.

So yeah this is all bad. But know that Trump’s big leak as a player is that he overplays every single hand every single time. Like massively. That’s why he’s a donk. It shouldn’t be a huge surprise that he’s degrading the fucking post office (lololol again this is chemo to shave your head level stupid) in August . He’s creating logistical problems nearly three months in advance. At this stage that’s not going to be game changing. The postal service is basically telling states they can’t handle the work now, which actually prevents anyone from voting by mail. Trump still loses and probably badly. I’d like to see the GOP win an election with hugely reduced turnout from people over 75 (because by November we’ll be up to our necks in COVID, because again, Trump is a complete fucking moron who makes every decision incorrectly).

The reason I’m so shook right now is NOBODY IS GOING TO STOP THEM. They can do literally anything. They’ve long since crossed the point of no return. I would not put anything past them including fabricated military activity, Putin-style false flag attacks, and the use of federal law enforcement to physically restrict voting. And who knows what else. Every time you think “they can’t / won’t do THAT,” ask yourself who is going to be standing in their way with a gun, willing to die to stop it.


I’m halfway through 5th season right now so I’ll be sure to look out for this episode and settle the question of why it’s green once and for all.

How many Democrats in Congress can you say that about?

Open corruption was endorsed the day Tom Price was confirmed in the middle of the night.

The country became an unofficial dictatorship on February 5, 2020.

Zero of this should be a surprise and it could be way worse right now than it actually is due to how shortsighted, stupid, and incompetent these people are. The GOP is trying to get the voters to endorse the dictatorship in November to make it official by lying about the implications of this election (why else do you think they’re trying to cheat so hard?). Congress will cease to have even an ounce of power if Trump wins regardless of how much cheating goes on. And guess what? They actually have no power right now and haven’t since February 5, 2020. Anything they act like they can do is completely an illusion. There is zero oversight right now. This is what should be pounded every single day until the election. If you think oversight matters, the only way it will ever be back is if Trump gets crushed.

For the people who are too dumb to get it in those terms, it’s this:

The American Revolution happened because they didn’t want to be under a King and they didn’t want taxation without representation. If the president is above the law, the president is a King. If Congress has no power over how tax dollars are spent, it’s taxation without representation.

Even the most dyed in the wool Republican Trumper will acknowledge the founders didn’t want a King and didn’t want taxation without representation. The hard part is getting them to understand that’s exactly what’s happening now, because they actually like the guy killing the Constitutional Democracy.


That…cant be right. The same model that gives Trump a 27 percent chance of winning gives him a one in three chance of losing the popular vote by 18 points!?!

If Trump is -6 and the standard deviation is 8 points, it seems roughly correct. This election has the widest range of outcomes relative to polling imaginable.