Honestly now I’m freaking out that my signature won’t match my voter registration from a decade ago and I’ thinking about just voting in person early. I really really don’t want to, but congressional race is going to be close.

I’m planning to vote early in person precisely because of this.

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I’m in SC-1. I’ve posted about it before but it’s a fun district because it’s a GOP gerrymander gone wrong, currently occupied by Democrat Joe Cunningham but expected to be super close as he initially won office in the aftermath of a Mark Sanford scandal.

lol Did you dudes not read that Forbes article? It was about Pennsylvania.

I just bought some legit N-95s in preparation for early voting in person. My wife requested an absentee ballot, and I will drop hers off at the early voting site if that’s allowed.

Amazon has p100 painters masks respirators and filters. I have one. I guess I coudl always strap it on for this.

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Mr McDonald noted only 9,525 people had voted by the same time in 2016, and described the shift as “historic”.

The record numbers come after many states changed their laws to make voting easier during the pandemic. This included the expansion of mail-in ballot measures and early in-person voting.

Virginia, which adopted a new law that allows early in-person voting, has seen the highest number of votes cast, at 287,000. North Carolina and Wisconsin follow closely behind, and 248,000 and 238,000 respectively.


Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked the expansion of mail-in voting across the US, claiming without evidence that it is vulnerable to fraud. His campaign has sought to limit its use in key swing states of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, while encouraging his own supporters to vote by mail in states where he is favoured, like North Carolina.

You’ll want to go here to see if your state allows for early voting, but even if it doesn’t, guess what. You can probably still vote early in person!

A friendly person from the Midwest on reddit had this to share about Missouri:

in-person absentee voting. It’s almost identical to regular voting: you show them your ID, and they give you a polling booth to vote. The only difference is you have to give a reason to vote absentee. Usually it’s only for people with legitimate “overseas”, etc reasons, but because of COVID you can give that as a reason, “I’m at high-risk and want to avoid crowds”. That’s it. You vote, get a paper ballot and turn it in.

If you live in Jackson County the polling station is: 110 N Liberty, Independence, MO 64050. KC residents can vote at Union Station.


I honestly have no idea.

I’m voting in person here to make sure my vote is counted. N95 or better. I’m showing up an hour before polls open, hopefully I’ll be the first in and first out.

No early in person voting here, though.

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The stakes are definitely higher for you since you’re in PA.

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Yeah for sure.

I can say yes to that question in my state for in person voting. It took some negotiating one year to convince the poll worker my signatures matched. My understanding is a couple percent of absentee ballots are usually thrown out due to signatures.

I’m going in person. Again rich suburb so I do t expect any line issues. We have polling places all over. Multiple for a fairly modest population.

To be fair I literally have not been indoors anywhere since March except for my office and a few doctor’s offices. Going indoors to vote is a little more irrationally nervewrecking.

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Yeah, i think that overlooks the fact that there is a democratic governor who would veto any attempt by the legislature to appoint an alternate group of electors. Like, there are scenarios where Trump steals this. Those scenarios involve somehow stopping the count. Those scenarios probably do not include this Pennsylvania alternate slate stuff.

Yeah I was forced out for house hunting and moving, and I’ll likely be returning to a private game this week so I’ve had to tolerate more risk and voting doesn’t seem too different if I get there early so there hasn’t been a big crowd of people.

Of course I say this as I am literally in quarantine with my 5 y.o. daughter who was exposed to a COVID+ case at school, so it’s clearly going to be my kids who give this to me regardless of what I do.

Wow so I’m in NY which according to the link provided suggests that absentee ballot signatures are matched to the registration roll. Does that mean they compare it to whatever I signed when I was 18 and registered to vote?!

I have literally no earthly idea what that signature may look like, and frankly I haven’t given a second of thought to any signature I’ve scribbled on things for a couple decades. This seems very bad?

The experience with the NY primary doesn’t exactly inspire confidence for mail in ballots in the general.

It looks like they were rejected in NY becuase they arrived late or were missing postmarks, not because of signature mismatches.