
i mean…


This was a major missed Vince meme opportunity.


Yes, that’s what it means.

It’s not clear he can, the relevant part of Article 2 says “the legislature” chooses how electors are selected.

WaPo had an article on the Alaska electorate a few days ago, through the lens of the race for their lone House seat, which has gotten closer over the years.


ETA: I guess it is an opinion piece, not an article.

Yeah I posted the veto stuff a couple days ago then deleted it because after looking further it doesn’t seem like he can. Doesn’t seem like its a law or bill that is passed so much as the legislature just chooses who they want.

I’m still no that worried about this. First they’d have to get enough of the legislature on board with a coup which, I mean they’re Republicans so maybe, but still seems These are all low level people without a ton of skin in the game, not even sure they’re full time.

Plus this way is just too controversial/obvious. Way better to try and just stop counting mail in ballots and count on the new supreme court to be the disgusting democracy hating fascists they are.

If they do it this way, this only helps Trump. There would still be a blue wave in congress, and the new house has to certify the results. If there is a big blue wave its very possible dems flip the number of states that hold a majority,

If they stop counting mail in ballots though that doesn’t just help, it helps all republicans down ballot. It would lock in Trump and a republican majority.

I can’t see a bunch of republicans signing on for a coup if they also lose power in congress. I mean sure it wouldn’t matter because Trump would literally be a king with the new supreme court, but the guys in congress would lose their personal power which they would never go for.

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the republican legislature says those are “fake polls” and “there was definitely massive democrat cheating” and “we’re gonna send our own slate of electors no matter what, fuck you”

Dear Republican Legislature,

Allow me to introduce your window to my brick, fuck you too.

Pennsylvania Resident

That’s a thing I never saw mentioned on here re the house deciding if its a tie or whatever. It’s the new congress that decides and certifies from what I’ve read. So if Dems do as well as polling suggests and there are shenanigans that only help Trump, it’s very possible Dems now hold more states in the house than Republicans and can totally fuck up all their plans of a coup.

Way better play to just try to toss mail in ballots altogether to lock in Trump and Republicans in congress, but I guess thats a gamble too. I probably got brained diseased by listening to a lawbro podcast but the Trump admin would at least need a decent argument to stop counting mail in ballots because that would be a fucking insane thing for the supreme court to rule on and would completely de-legitimize them in the eyes of the American public.

Like I don’t think " theres fraud and we have no legit evidence but you have to throw away votes " will work even with this disgusting court.

They’d have to know that would completely destroy their legacy, their legitimacy, and the moment dems got power back they’d have a massive mandate to pack the court and prevent republicans from ever getting power back again. Even with all the cheating, voter suppression etc it’s only a matter of time until demographics do their part and dems win again. They’d have to go legit full dictatorship to prevent it.

But yeah I probably shouldn’t listen to lawbro podcasts.

Let me stop you there…

That’s exactly what they’d be doing.

StimAbusers guide on how to deal with existential dread and anxiety through fan fiction.


I know lots of the people in the Trump admin would be, but I’m not sure all the supreme court conservatives would be on board with that.

Do we really have to wait until midnight for this abc/wapo PA poll?

tenor (1)


They don’t need all of the Supreme Court conservatives if the Nefarious ACB gets confirmed.

The shenanigans that help trump almost certainly elect a republican house and senate. All such shenanigans involve discarding or failing to count democratic mail-in votes.

Yeah thats what I was arguing. Also that I think Trump admin will need at least a passably good argument for why they should stop counting ballots. Considering almost all their previous arguments have been laughed out of court even by many conservative judges, I’m a little hopeful even this shitstain supreme court won’t go full dictator.


The shenanigans don’t involve the court stopping the initial count. That’s probably a bridge too far. They involve stopping the physical count somehow themselves (DOJ seizing ballots, etc), and then going to the court and saying “ho hum, no time to count these while litigation is pending, lets just declare a winner with what we’ve got.” Less likely than not to work unless the election is really really close.

I’m just going to point out that, if ACB is seated, 3 of the Justices will be folks who worked on Bush v. Gore (Roberts and Kav being the other 2), and Thomas was on the court at the time. So, you better have a lot of faith in Alito and Gorsuch. [Spoiler alert: I do not have a lot of faith in Alito and Gorsuch]